Suicide and the Child of God
There are somethings that we would rather not speak about. Suicide is one of them and unless you have laid at its bloody feet you know not its powerful draw and dark pain. For a Christian Suicide is the taboo of taboos. Its a place that should not be in the lexicon of spirit filled living. Well today we will broach on it a bit. For more info on it and a deep deep look into how we even get there please get my book when it comes out and see the ugly yet very apparent truth.
Anyway for today I want to lay out the 3 levels of this monster so you can see where you or a loved one may fall. From that point we will lightly touch on what they mean and what might one do in that place.
#1 You have though about it
#2 You have thought about it and began planing how you may achieve it
#3 You have thought about it, planned it and attempted it
Just for your information and where I have been - well I have been to number 2. And I have been there 2 times. Its the worst place I have ever been or care to ever be again.
Some thoughts:
Thinking about taking your life is more common then you might think. More people have then have not from what I have found in over my 17 years of counseling.
Many have fleeting thoughts of escape and being free from their pain but thats as far as it ever goes- just a fleeting thought. Then there are those like myself and many who I have counseled that are very serious about the quest. For myself it included a farewell note, a gun and a journey. It is a place you never want to go.
Counseling people who are Christians with deep suicidal thoughts is difficult as leaving this life does lead to being with Christ - BUT BUT BUT - as Paul said; " to be with the Father is much better for me, but to stay here and serve Him on earth is what I MUST do". So taking ones life is NEVER EVER Gods will no matter how wonderful Heaven appears . I must say that as the years go by this desire to take ones life has climbed to new levels. I have never seen so many with such a desire and sadly I have lost one person to its ( Demonic ) pull.
Today I merely touch on this and leave you with some thoughts to ponder.
1- Christians do think about it
2- Satan wants you to do it ( its His favorite way of ridding us from serving God )
3- We are never to do it
4- There is a way to avoid it
5- There are some chilling facts we need to know and understand
6- God is very aware of your cloud of despair and yet has even a plan for that
See - As I have said, depression and anxiety to me have become a mighty tool in the Masters hands. Even thinking of taking ones life has been used by God to have me come to a place where I have heard Him like never before. These dark place though not His plan can still be used by Him to bring us back to His plan.
Please dear friend - if you be in this dark place today- DONT DO IT but also remember to let others know your struggle and if needs be contact the local medical establishment.
For a detailed study on this and how to move pass it, make sure to get on the mailing list for my ground breaking book
email me:
SR Kraniak
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