But why am I so afraid all the time ?
Proverbs 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.
26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
Life is funny, we start out as young children and one of our first emotions there- is fear. We fear from the day we are born till the day we die, yet I don’t think we have to or were even created to fear. If we look back to our beginnings at Creation we see man and woman walking in the garden. We don’t see fear because God walked with them. Now as simple as it might sound I believe our fear is solely based on our relationship with God. Meaning how far from us is He. As people apart from Christ through unbelief we are miles apart and so fear would seem very normal, yet do we know non-believers who seem less afraid then we are ? Yes and no, as all are born with fear as I stated earlier but we cant deny that there are some people in the world who seem fearless.
The question is why can someone who does not know God be fearless and someone who knows Christ through rebirth be a walking bundle of Jell-O. Again the answer is the same but we don’t seem to see it as clear as we should. See both unbeliever and believer have fear but we both try to replace our fears by displacement which means- we try to replace God with something else. Something else to trust in and as long as we have that (one thing) we don’t fear. For the unsaved rich and famous or just the person too dumb to know enough to be afraid of things they live by trusting in the untrustworthy. Be it their jobs, money, position, power, looks, and friends. For a while it actually works. Even their drugs and drinking keep them somewhat ok as long as the flow keeps flowing. Those addicted to sex drugs and rock-n-roll will find somewhat a type of peace be it a delusional one. These people simply don’t know about Heaven and Hell, sin and its punishment apart from Christ. So by all logical reasoning why would they fear ?
So that explains why an unsaved person might seem fearless to our naked eye- but we will get back to their delusion in a bit. But what about us, the child of God through faith in Jesus Christ ? Why should we fear ? Our sins have been forgiven, death and Hell no longer are an issue. God the Holy Spirit Himself dwells in us. Now if this all be true and it is, then why do we still fear even after Christ ? Well the same reason why all men begat fear when we were expelled from the Garden -IE we were dealt with Separation from God.
But we are not separated from God you might proclaim- I have Christ and I am now a triune being. A complete person the way I was meant to be. That is true but unless we live as what we truly are how can we enjoy its blessings ? Its like being a police officer. There are perks to being a Cop. You get free Donuts and Coffee. You get respect from people and you don’t have to worry about getting a ticket. But what if you were an officer of the law but lived as if you were not. Then all of those “normal” fears of being just Joe average would effect you even though they should not. Now I know my illustration is a weak one and I hope I don’t get too many police officers angry at me. But be that as it may it still makes my case. We simply don’t live as who we really are. We still fear death, being alone, having no money, getting sick, getting hit by a car. We live like the world when we are not of that world any more. We are afraid of people , life and things because we don’t know who dwells inside of us. Oh yeah we might tell people how much we love Jesus Christ but the fact is we don’t believe one bit of it. Friends we fear because we simply don’t believe what the Bible says. And if that be the case we might even want to question our very salvation.
People -If Jesus is big enough to save us from Hell but not from a mean co worker then He isn’t a very big God. Proof of my deduction is this - those who travel into the most dangerous places for the Gospel of Christ. How do they do it, how to they give up all of life’s normal things. Things like insurance, and a roof over their head. How did the saints of old trust in Christ enough to go to the stake and be set on fire for it ? Well that’s just it- they TRUSTED in Gods word. Not according to their logic by according to Gods Power. Just recently I preached a sermon on Trust vs. Belief in God and how they are not the same. People; that’s the answer and one we as Christians don’t want to deal with. Listen and I will come right out and say it - we fear because we don’t trust God, end of story. Now to clarify fear I mean fear of uncertain things happening, or irrational fear as some fear is good fear and those that God wants us to have. Is it not fear of Hell and Judgment that drive us to Christ ? Is it not fear of disappointing our Lord do to our sin that keeps us living Holy lives ? Those are good fears and ones that keep us alive and do good for us. Fear of falling off my roof when cleaning the gutters keeps me alert and my senses on high. So those fears are separate but fears of having no food, clothing, place to live, or being alone are not fathomable according to Gods word.
Now as to the people in the world that “seemingly” appear to have it all together, well it’s a lie because everyone fears something. Just take that wealthy landowner with the fancy car- do not think for a moment that he does not fear loosing all of it which is why people of that sort are so paranoid when it comes to what people they can allow into their friend pool. Fear is universal , hey even animals have it but interestingly the only fear that they have is when another creature comes into their domain. It is a fleeting fear of the moment a fear that drives them to running or fighting position. But of the fear of tomorrow- they simply don’t have it , of the fear of what will they eat or where will they sleep or how will they provide for their young- they don’t have that either. I truly believe that they instinctively know that if they search for it they will find it. God through nature makes sure of it. We know this for certain because Jesus speaks of the flowers and birds who don’t fear or shake about their next meal yet we do.
So if you want the answer to living life without fear- buy my book so I don’t starve - only joking. No the truth is this- True Trust in God equals True carefree living In Christ. How do you get there, well for that you will have to read my book, or better yet “ read Gods Word”. All that I say is simply what His Word has taught me through hearing it and also applying it and also by going through the most frightful things you can imagine . Do I live a fearless life myself ? Not even close but I’m closer today then I was yesterday and all that’s holding me back from arriving there is learning how to trust God more and more each day. No not believing more- I already believe but actually trusting what His Word says and meditating on it until I actually believe it. Circular reasoning maybe; but truth nonetheless .
SR Kraniak
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Also check into having me speak at your Church on this most popular subject of Anxiety and Depression in a world that sure makes us feel that way.
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