Saturday, December 23, 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017

A real Diary of a girl named Jen ----

A Girl named Jen..

This link below is a diary of a young lady who couldn't hold on..

please dont let her passing be wasted

Let it be a tool to let you know your not alone
but also
That IF we hold on....we can be whole again..

She understood the struggle better then most
MY books are dedicated to her

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Get these 2 Life changing books..and Knock depression and Anxiety out of your life

Don't forget to get your book today..
click on link for part 1 and part 2

Part 1- Is the nuts and bolts of depression and anxiety 
Part 2- Is a daily devotional that helps you start the day when dealing with depression and anxiety

Friday, September 15, 2017

A true Story of one who didnt hold on long enough- read her words....

Please check out this web page

The story of a young lady
26 years old

Depression and Anxiety 
OCD took her but didnt have to

Please read her diary and see how we can all relate

don't waste her passing..

Both of my Books on Depression and Anxiety are dedicated to her

Check them out on Amazon
Depression Anxiety and the child of God
Pt 1 and 2
click on link below for the books

The Books

click on link below for the 
True Story and Life 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

So today I give the big reveal.- Joy unspeakable Imagine that ?

Joy unspeakable 

Imagine that ?

So today I give the big reveal. The answer to all of everything. The beginning of the ending of this misery called depression and anxiety. 
What’s sad is that most of you when you begin reading my lengthy antidote to this all- you will stop and say.” “I know where this is going, I  have heard this before, and I am not going to buy it”. Well that will be a sad day because just around the corner from excepting this one and ONLY answer is freedom and joy unspeakable. My only hope is that among the thousands of you out there who read my blog that even just one would take a chance. Take a risk and say; “ well what do I have to loose “?  Friends that’s what I did in April of 1983. It was a long road but one that ended up where I am today - FREE !   Maybe one of you will be foolish enough like I was to follow what I will say. To follow it carefully and hear. Really hear what is being said and maybe understand it for the very first time.

Joy so big wide and deep that it cant be described..

Well if your like me - well when I think of Joy it is always (minus) depression and anxiety. It is always with love coming from some source.
See where there is joy there must be love. Either from something or for something. Yet as to this monster of depression and anxiety as to this horrid world of darkness and despair- well; where can it be found ?

Where is this joy unspeakable ?
Is it found in suicide ?
Is it found in illegal drugs and intoxication?
Is it found in cutting ?
Is it found in a new tattoo ?
Is it found is sex ?
Is it found in music ?
Is it found in the arts ?
Is it found in the governments ?
Is it found in science ?
Is it found in a new love ?

Well maybe that last one might be a clue because I know joy and escape without end are not found in the first nine. So to some degree joy is found in love but the loves that I have had come and go. They either leave you , break or rust away. But I do know I like love, and I like being loved; in fact I love being loved..

You know I once heard it said that there was one who loved us even before we loved him. Which always made me think. If such a person was real then I would -  love him, because he first loved us. 
But where can this love be ? Where is this love so powerful that it is bigger then my life and its dark pains ? It would have to be bigger and it would have to be stronger and so it would have to be not of this world. 

So I began to search and when I sought this love with all my heart I began to find it.   So I began to search in the dark clouds. I sought out the Other worlds. I sought the spirits to see if this could be found. I played with the occult, I entertained life from other planets but it was always cold dark and void of any lasting love, joy and peace. So I continued my quest. My star Trek if you will. I called out to the night skies and wondered where this Love above all loves might reside. So I decided that to find this I would have to envision what it might be to be this one. So I thought of an eternal being and what that might look like. Guess it would be lonely out there and not having a beginning or an end it might also be dull and sad. Then I thought based upon the world that I can see with my naked I what this being or force might be like. Would it be evil or good ? Loving or Hating ? Warm or cold, ugly or beautiful ? Well it was clear by the animals flowers and mountain views that it had to at least once been wonderful filled with love joy power and goodness. I looked at my pet dog and his gentle eyes and soft ears. I looked at the stillness of the water and saw peace love and gentleness but in other waters I saw power and volume and strength which was important to me because Love without Power is useless. So began my creation of form and thought  and what would be the next step.. Maybe to be alone but also one who had love but no one to love. So taking a risk one would say - “if I have this power and have this love, why don’t I make something to love and maybe it just might love me back”. So it began creating but immediately it had to stop because it thought of a chilling reality , that if one were to make something to love and be loved, well then would it be a real love at all ? Meaning if I created something that must love me could it really be love ? The answer was clear; I must take the biggest risk in loving which is to love by faith. To love something before you knew if it were to love you. Free will screamed at me. Free will told me it must be a part of true love or true love could never be found. Free will is integral to true love.  Imagine dating someone or being married to them. Then all of a sudden you hear that all these years they were getting paid to love you by a third party. How would that make you feel ? It would expose the lie that you bought. The lie that you were never really loved at all.  But anyway back to our case for building this hypothetical celestial  lover of us.. So he would be out there and decide to create something #1 for himself but #2 with a benefit for those he created. So he decides on a design but the only design he knows best is himself, so he begins to make us in his own image. Somehow like him but never able to be him. Have the ability to love, and receive love but yet without the power of the maker. So he forms man kind but needs to place him some place. It would have to be a place that could sustain mankind so he begins building a terrarium of sorts.. Right temp ,right air for his creatures to breath. There would need to be food and things needed for this “being” to live off of. So lets say he creates a place like earth. Then his next plan is to create the people and the animals. All the while making this a wonderful safe clean place to live and thrive. Even the animals would be in part for the peoples comfort and joy. But yet again he must program the people with a DNA free from coercion. For at the end of the day his desire is to be loved and loved freely.  So this is all done and the creatures (us) are formed. Life begins and we begin to enjoy all that this “maker” has made and provided for us. Its IS what we all always dreamed of. Perfection peace love and comfort. No fear worry or concern. Our minds would be perfect with no issues or quirks. It would just be fabulous. 
Yet in order for things to keep rolling and the maker to keep his creation safe and in the good confines of his protection and watch care - well he needed to create a system to govern by. One for the creatures own good. Now what’s so amazing is- that this governing system has only one rule. Everything else is allowed and encouraged. Sex is allowed to the fullest. No shame in what we look like or anything we do. Its simple bliss. But again that one limitation , that one rule. That rule is that we just don’t open up door number six. All other doors and experiences are allowed and encouraged. So the maker sits back and enjoys maybe for the first time this new amazing love interchange with that which he just made. It is sweet but there is a problem. See the problem is that - this creation is not the first as there has been an experiment before. See the maker made another set of beings with a little too much similarities to himself. This plan didn’t work so a portion of that plan was scraped and tossed out. And so as the maker is making us that older creation is festering in jealousy. 
This is where worlds collide.  
See as the new creation is enjoying its Nirvana the old is waiting to snatch it away. To snatch away their joy, happiness, peace and most of all their love they get from the maker. Now this first creation “beings” knows he cant stop the maker from loving what he made but he can try to separate the creature from the creators love. He knows again he cant stop the love but he can place a wall between the two. This wall is only made through the breaking of the first prime directive. So with that in mind and knowing how weak and less then he is the 2nd creation - he brings an idea to the creature. He basically says -  “hey this maker you love and follow, he isn’t so great and though he gives you one thousand doors to look into and explore he still wont let you look behind door number six”- “how selfish and mean is he.. See I know what’s behind that door and its what you have been missing. Its all the power and wisdom that he has that he keeps from you”. Well this is enough to trick the weak creatures that you and I am. So we take the bait and bite. Not knowing that in a moment of time this one decision would destroy all that is good pure and just. Fear and depression would begin. Sickness and cancer would start. And so it begins- us the creature peaks behind door number six and the creator has no choice but to separate. Separate from us. See the maker is complete and perfection and so were we but this broke that perfection and left the maker with no choice but to detach as perfection can only dwell with perfection. Now this was not a good day for the maker either. His heart is broken his love is lost and that which he doted over so carefully cant be touched by him.. This (imperfection ) becomes a wall between maker and what he has made.
But,,,,and here is what makes the “maker” and his love so amazing. See he decides that - if the first creature through a wrench into the relationship he has with his second creation (us). Then he will simply provide a failsafe measure to repair this breach between the two. He does in the form of a replacement. See when we the creation broke the relationship rules by building a wall -the maker sends a wall breaker to repair the breach between the two. Between  Us and him.   Why ? Because this unending love for what he made never ends and he can not bare to be separated. But yet again even with this wall breaker the maker must not forget the prime directive- free will of the creature. See even in sending a wall breaker the creature must decide on their own to receive it or if they even want it. Dear friends that’s where you and I and this entire cosmos are at right now. The place of making a choice. A choice to receive the upgrade to our mental hard drive system or to stick with windows 98. See we have a bug, a glitch a flaw, a defect that keeps us from the maker. See its not so much what’s broken in us but what’s missing. We are missing the upgrade. We are living with windows 98 in a 2017 technology world.. So what this all means is that we are not working up to par. We are working with all kinds of computer viruses in our head. Some of the damage is unfixable which is why medication is a help in some cases to help reconnect the severed wires of communication from one quadrant of our brain to the other. But yet even with counseling and medication where needed it still wont work because again.. We can fix what’s broken but not what’s missing.   This my dear friend and fellow sufferer is where I give you the reboot code and upgrade protocols. 

Now I know many will say - no way ! I don’t by it and I know all about this. But you really don’t if you have not received your renewed upgraded mind and software. Listen I was at a place of complete depression , planning my suicide gun in hand. Anxiety so bad that I could barely get out of bed. I have been where most of you are.  Also I did the counseling route and the medication rout but all of that alone didn’t do it. Its like it wouldn’t take or match up with my mind issues. So this is where I was and it was NOT until I understood the “maker” the “first creation” and me as “the creature” that I was able to understand what I needed to do.  What apposing forces were also fighting against me.. Trying to keep me from the make.  
Friends- this is where you will have to trust me, have blind faith and at least consider that this might be right. Now I know your all thinking that Im going the “religion route” but I tell you- No Way !!! Religion is dead, a lie and is the reason for many many problems and wars in the world. So forget all of that- no I am going the “maker” loves his un touchable “creature” route and what we need to do is LET HIM do what He is waiting to do. Heal, renew, direct, comfort , guide, teach, and bring into his loving arms his way. 

So how is that found ? Well hold on and don’t flip out on me but its found in a man, but more then a man. Its found in a Maker but more then a maker. Its found in Yahweh the Eternal God head. The Creator and lover of all that we are. And in getting back into His powerful healing love we need to go through His wall breaker - “Jesus Christ “.  He is the way to the father. He pays for what we are and rebuilds the walls.. Allows the medication to work-(if we need it at all) , turns things around, reboots the mind, warms and comforts our hearts. 
Now many will say - well but he is just another guy, guru or stupid religious figure made up in our desperate minds- but consider this - It is 2017. That is the year in which the whole world lives. But why ? How do we know its 2017. Well because something happened 2017 years ago that seems to be pretty important. It was the year this Wall breaker was born ( came to earth). And everything before that year is called - BS = Before Christ. Yes I know its now been changed to BCE = Before the Common Era but that’s just the deception of the first creation trying to keep us from our maker and healer. 
See - if this Jesus is so phony and weak then why is his entrance into our world so significant?   

People - lets cut to the chase here and get this all down correct. Here is what you must do or nothing will ever change or happen. You must admit that you and I are a flawed system. That we are not perfection like the maker. And that in order to be reunited with the “maker” we need the new hard and software.  This is found by understanding our sins ( flaws) and that their very existence is the issue in keeping us from the only true lover of our souls . Then we must cry out to this maker and say - “please forgive me, heal me, change me. I want to be placed in your loving hands and given new life. I want to change and turn from anything that hurts you. I want to be hold and made able to walk with you again. I believe that Jesus is you become a man, came to this planet and took my place on the cross for my sins. He beat the curse and beat the virus and is only waiting for me to say - “ YES I want this” yes I want you to be Lord and only King over my life. And on this very day I confess you as the savior and only one to save me. I also know that if I don’t take what’s freely given I face not only this life in total separation but the next life when I die in eternal separation. See while we are alive we have a door to the answer but if we take our lives or die suddenly there is then no options left but eternal separation from love joy and peace. A depression and anxiety turned up to one million with no meds or relief. Forever and ever and not even sleep will be a way to escape it.   

Please consider what I just offered you. Consider what might be waiting for you. Consider the alternative.  .Pain and continued agony. Pain with no escape or ever a chance to beat this.  People imagine one waiting to love on you like never before. That special friend who is always there to guide warm and love you.  Yes life will still be hard at times because the entire cosmos is tainted with the bug but we don’t have to be. Counseling and meds can only work and help with that which is missing is replaced .. Which is what ?
The GOD factor….He in the form of Jesus Christ must be plugged in..

Stay tuned as more is to come on this…
But only for those who are humble enough to except this. 
Following are some codes and wording from our maker about his plan and purpose. 

17  I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
18  Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.
19  My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.
20  I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:
21  That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

  Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light.”

John 15:9  As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10  If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
11  These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11  For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12  For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!


Monday, September 4, 2017

Are you READY to be rid of IT all once and for ALL ?

I am done, finished, and had enough !!!

Have you ever felt like this ?

Are you READY to be rid of IT all once and for ALL ?

So we are back again have a long hiatus ...sorry my friends for being gone so long but I am back again today to continue our search for healing ,hope, and happiness. Last time we spoke we were discussing this magical mythical person who would come and make all this darkness go away. We toyed with how they would be and how they would take away all our fears. Oh how we wished for a real person like this- one who loved me so much that NOTHING was more important then me.. Dear hurting friend I know your pain and fears.. I know this world is getting REAL scary and it doesn't seem like anyone knows what to do. From North Korea, to hurricanes, riots, hate, sickness and everything else- it seems like we REALLY need help. I know I need help and I cant even make a day an hour a minute without help. Seems like my healing really began when I admitted that I was so broken and weak – so wounded afraid, and really not as smart as I thought I was. It was at this point in my depression anxiety and suicidal planing that I was driven to my knees and the crying began. It was at the crying and extreme hopelessness that I found the answer – the answer- the relief- the way- the new life- the freedom- the joy again that I lost so long ago.. I found it people !!! I really really found it and it was not at all where I thought it would be found. No it was not science or people or money or sex or things or a new location or a new love new friend new job ….NO !!!!!! It was something completely else.. it was the comfort and love and most of all the DIRECTION that I needed. I finally found out where to go and what to do..

I found THEE answer which was an answer that many of us hate to admit.. It was the answer that we all thought we already tried but with no success. See it was going back to a place I thought I had already tried and thought for sure it was a joke and a waste. I thought back then it really was going to be the answer but NOTHING was there...but to my surprise it is back at THAT place but with a different approach that IT ALL CAME TOGETHER and the healing REALLY REALLY began.. most of all it was free and wonderful as well as it was glorious….

Next time we will explore THIS ( THEE) answer to ALL of the darkness but only those who are willing to REALLY listen and trust me will ever find it.. Next time I will give you the detailed solution direction and path. But I want you to really want it and really be willing to try ANYTHING…

Are you willing
Are you ready
Are you humble enough to listen with an open mind

Next BLOG will be the BLOG of all will be like an encounter with the Guardians of the Galaxy...WOW I love that movie...Part 2 especially…..But that aside it will be something really cool..something that IS what we are all missing.. also Its not about what needs to be fixed or repaired but what is missing...people we are missing a particle in our DNA strand.. and when we get the coding plugged in it will all begin…

Who is READY ??

Who is ready to be rid of this dark pethedic hellish pain caused by dreadful emotional carnage..

No more cutting
No more loneliness
No more fear
No more anxiety
No more depression
No more social phobia
No more suicidal thoughts
No more alcohol or illegal drugs to hide behind

ITS TIME HAS COME – but only for those who dare to ENTER INTO THIS REST

See ya soon...wait for it...hold on a little but longer

S.R. Kraniak  

Thursday, August 3, 2017

I cried and cried and cried some more ( Cancer vs D&A)

They say first you cry....
when dealing with Depression and Anxiety its more cry and never stop crying. See thats the issue. without knowing what the end of this ailment is you have no idea when it will end. with Cancer yes first you cry but at least you know how it will end, if it can go away and what your future life will be like. With Cancer people feel bad for you, there is treatment , there is compassion. But with D&A ( Depression and Anxiety) well we never know if it will end, we never know what treatment to take, and certainly no one really feels sorry for you because they think we are making it all up anyway.
I know we will all agree- that I have often thought...I would rather have Cancer then to live with this monster..
Thats how bad emotional sickness is..its when Cancer seems like a happier road..

So again- why is D & A so bad ?
Because you cry and you never stop crying and nobody seems to know why..

Well I do.. and by this December I will share it with you all..
The End of D&A and a light at the end of the tunnel

Who is with me ??

S.R. Kraniak 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Maybe an Alien ?

Maybe an Alien ?

So if you have been following this Blog for the last few months you know that there is a goal. There is an end to all of these odd BLOGS I’m writing. All of them have a goal, and end, a purpose. Its not just to say things you want to hear but to give you the real real real real answers. People - I promise you that if you hold on just a bit longer, that you WILL find the answer to your pain, loneliness, depression, anxiety, cutting, and horrid life we seem to have to endure. See I know your pain because like I have said- I have lived it and been through the darkest days you can ever imagine. Dear friend whoever you are- for my friends and fellow sufferers in Russia, Turkey, Israel, USA, China, Denmark, Australia, Holland, Iran, India, no matter where you are.. PLEASE  listen to me. This is not a scam, not a joke, not a gimmick, not a ploy to get you to buy my books. This is not some religious trick to get you to join some cult- NO ! This is the way- the ONLY way out of this Hell hole we are in. So please follow this blog and by the end of this year or sooner I will reveal the answer we all MUST have and MUST get. A cure people a real cure out of this mess.  Please hang on a little longer. 

Back to the series I am doing and this next one today is titled -

Now if you remember from last time that we discussed this COMPANION who would be our guide and friend. A guardian of the galaxy so to speak, We spoke about how wonderful it would be to have such a person (being) in our lives. Well the next question is- can there be a celestial friend out there who has the answers ? With all the talk of life on other planets, UFO’s and “other” life forms in the Cosmos well- maybe there is. Maybe this “being” is not of this world. Maybe he or even she is from another world. All I know is of the people I know from this dimension (earth) well they have been no help as they just don’t have the power and answers to fix me. So maybe the answer to this issue lies beyond this world from a power that is not of this world. A power and life form  NOT human ! And if there was such a power, a force, an Alien intelligence well then the question is how do we reach him? How would we find him and has he even visited this planet already. We hear again - about all these visitation- maybe there is something to this close encounter of the 3rd kind. Maybe there is something or someone with ALL the answers to this dying world and planet. Who is this power, where might he be from, and what might he want from us mortals ? 

Stay tuned as we dig deeper into this question and in time - find the answer we are ALL looking for.

S.R. Kraniak

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


The Companion 

Over the last few months we have been talking allot about depression and anxiety - and all that goes and comes with them. Its causes and its horrid pain. We discussed how depression and anxiety is rooted  ultimately in thee “Alone Differential”. We discovered that much of our depression is rooted in fear and most of our fear is rooted in anxiety and most of our anxiety is rooted in simply the torment of being alone in a world with too many people. Its facing daily life with too many decision‘s, choices, obstacles, consequence, and daily existence conundrums. We discussed how just having to deal with all of this life “stuff” alone was the biggest of issues. We even fantasized about having this magical person who would knock on your door and say-”Hi my name is Bob, I will be taking care of things from this time forward. I will be handling all the concerns and important choices you have to make. Even going with you to the store holding your hand so you don’t have to deal with your social issues. I will take care of all of life’s paper work , people issues,  Family issues , relationship issues and life concerns“. Wow we decided- what a blessing that would be. To have someone who would tell you who to date, marry, - what job to take what phone calls to make what to ware and where to live. They would lay out your whole future for you and all you would have to do is trust them and believe that they had your best interest at heart. 
So anyway after thinking about this idea and concept I felt it was time to start introduce this person and what we might call him. I think a good start with be -”The Companion”. 
Now this person would not be a mate or business partner but a life coach. But more then a life coach as they can only advise and suggest- no this person would be infallible, without fault, perfect, always there, never late, and more- they would be completely free of charge. But lets take it up a notch. Lets add to the mix that they would be personally omnipresent, meaning they would be with you at all places at all times.
From when you got up in the morning to getting dress, to leaving the house, going to a party, -everywhere you went they went. Also to really sweeten the pot, they would always have your best interest in mind. They would think of you, worry about you, care about you, and have on top of it all your perfect life plan. But lets take it up even further; not only are they personally omnipresent , they are also personally all powerful  (Omnipotent) - but even more they would be All knowing ( Omniscient.)  Meaning that they always knew the right thing to do making it impossible to make a mistake in your life.
When it came to what medications to take, or get off of or how much to take. When it came to what your future career would be and in what place-well they already knew the answer. 
I don’t know about you but that would surely end allot of my depression fears and worries. So for today I want to focus on “This COMPANION”. 
Who may he or she be ? What if there were one ?
What if it really was true ?
What if its just a fairytale and a tease ?

Well stick with this blog as we take this up a notch each month..

Counselor Th,A -Th.B -M.M.C.C.
Member New York State Mental Health Counselors Association U.S.A.
Author of three Books on emotional issues like
Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Cutting, Suicide and
E-LIFE planning ..

Please join us and share in the journey to the healing goal of personal joy and peace like no other. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Thee ALONE differential

Thee  ALONE differential 

If being Alone is the sickness
What is the cure ?

As we discussed last time we were together - that being alone is a big part of depression and anxiety. Sometimes being alone brings us to depression and anxiety. Doesn’t really matter , what matters is that depression and anxiety have a thin blue line running through them called loneliness. In many ways fear is rooted in being alone. Think about this; when your afraid of the dark, is it not because you are alone ? When your afraid of a new job or traveling or a new relationship, is it not because you don’t know how to handle these situations and if you just had “someone” besides you as your advocate it would make life allot easier. Many times in my profession of a counselor and one who suffers from anxiety and depression- I find that what most people want is for someone to take them by the hand and walk them through life. Someone to deal with all the issues for them. Someone to run interception and be there for all the fears and details of life. Someone to just come to your door and say- “High my name is Bob, I will be your personal advocate and from this day forward, I will be taking care of all your issues fears and concerns from this point forward. From paper work to getting you a job to helping you make tough choices. I will be your forever friend and someone you can trust. I will never leave you or forget you. I will be there when you get up in the morning and all through the day. Not one single minute of your life will I NOT be there for you. When you look to the left- I am there, when you look to the right I am there. I will hug you when you need one, and I will push you and encourage you when you need that to”. 

Now I bet already your feeling good just hearing this concept. I bet your saying like I am thinking -”Hum- that would be great to have someone like that, I would feel so much better knowing that- I am NOT ALONE”. 
Well anyway that’s the point I wanted to make today. The point that all we are feeling for the most part started with feeling alone. Started with being afraid because your alone. Its made worse because life is very scary and facing just one more day ALONE is too much to bare. Now I am not saying that Depression and Anxiety are not also caused by emotional , chemical, and genetic programming but what I am saying is that being ALONE is at the core of all our fears in regards to  this emotional state we are in.  Dear friend and “fellow” sufferer. I want you to really think about that imaginary person (Bob) I told you about. Think about having this person in your life who would carry you over the river and hold your hand when your not sure what to do. Even more this person would have the wisdom to know all the right things to say. They would know everything about you and what would always be in your best interest. I tell you friend - THIS IS what we all need. In fact we can not live this life on planet earth without that person. We are just too weak and frail to make it alone. 

Now the question is- can there really be such a person ? Maybe its someone you know but if your like me- every single person I trusted in to help me has let me down for the most part. No one is always there or even wants to help or can help if they wanted to. So finding this ( forever friend) seems like it wont happen in this world, and the point is its true. There is no one in this dimension and realm who can be that special friend. So the question is - where do we look ? Does one exist outside of time and space ? Maybe its an alien from another galaxy, or maybe some “being” from another planet. Maybe where we need to start looking for help is not found in this world but found in another. Well that would be great you might think but that’s crazy! There is no life out there unless maybe a UFO or something but that’s still just crazy. Well lets get off that idea for a while and instead spend some time Not looking for a super friend but instead lets spend some time star gazing, animal watching, nature looking. See I don’t know about you but I love animals. I love my little dog named buddy. I love flowers, grass, the mountains and the sky at night. I love the ocean and sand of the beach. I love summer and spring and I love birds that fly around. Sometimes I actually look at the birds and become jealous for their freedom and causal life. They have no past to think about and they don’t worry about the future. They just are and only live in the moment. No one owns them and yet somehow they are always taken care of. Someone feeds them and keeps them warm. They always seem to have a home and always seem to be happy. Hey - have you ever seen a depressed bird ? Have you ever saw a bird pacing around biting their fingernails ?  Anyway your assignment until our next session is- to look around and wonder. To look around and wonder about our planet, the animals, the tree’s . Even sit and look at your hand right now. Look at its incredible design and how it works so quickly. How the moment you think a move your hand is already doing that move. Think about your brain and its ability to control all your motor functions without you ever thinking of them. It JUST works and works without a beat.  Anyway I leave you with this thought -

“To be alone, is to live in pain, and to live in pain alone is to have no place left for joy to dwell”  SRK

SR Kraniak Th,B - M.M.C.C.

Check out my books on depression and anxiety on Amazon and at your local book store.

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Depression Anxiety and the Child of God 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Ourselves Alone - Shinfane The Loneliness that hurts so much

Ourselves Alone - Shinfane 

A while back I learned of this term- “Ourselves Alone”. it’s a Gallic Irish term from the Irish rebellion of years gone by. Its pronounced Shin-Fane.  For some reason the term jumped out at me and hit a cord. Ourselves Alone !. I tell you in my whole life I have not feared  anything more then- being alone, living alone, suffering alone growing old alone and dying alone. I think in many ways our pain- Anxiety and Depression; They are a very alone type thing. In depression I have felt very alone as no one really understands what I feel other then others like you and I . But Of anxiety I think that makes me really feel alone. That heavy feeling in my chest, that oppressiveness and darkness. That overwhelming feeling of impending doom. it’s a scary place and an empty place. It is in deep Anxiety or even daily consistent low level anxiety that I feel the most alone. It is in this place of anxiety that I am more prone to run to ANY thing to relive this pain. When I say anything I mean anything as even one minute relief from it is worth it. Which is why we often run quickly to drugs, drink, sex, porn,  cutting, Same sex relationships, Gender manipulation, and/or some self destructive behavior that does ( temporally ) relieve  the pain. The running into the unknown hoping to find the answer. They all offer escape which is why sleeping is the favorite of us all. You know I think I understand how Michael Jackson felt as he would desire to be “put under” by some drug just to simply escape the reality of this life. Sometimes I wish I could be put under and have often felt this sick excitement of going in for some surgery simply because I knew I will be completely out if just for a fleeting few hours. I think this is why many of us run to suicide. It is the escape we all desire when this loneliness comes over like a flood. As to Suicide well the fear that keeps me from it is this- Is it really an escape or maybe just entering something I really know nothing about. What if I find in death that there is no escape at all but an entering into something that I can never escape from. That unknown article has saved me many times from that trip.  So Well I am thankful that I have not went too far with the suicide or I would not be here to share my healing. Anyway the point I want to make today is- overcoming this Loneliness and how it is  the key to overcoming it all. To never be lonely ever ! To not feel alone in a crowded room. To not fear living alone or dying alone. Or worse growing old alone. To not fear simply stepping out of my bedroom.  This my friends is key and it is a loneliness that can only be beaten by a power bigger then just people, circumstances, drugs -legal or illegal , or therapy . Then just a lover or friend can give. Yes we have had those to and still felt the pain of being alone.  Even money cant beat the feeling as we see many celebrities still suffer despite their wealth. -Over the next month we will dig into this issue and then find the ultimate exterminator of this loneliness. I pray you all stick around for this journey..  Relief is coming, healing is coming, and most of all- happiness is coming.

S.R. Kraniak Th,B - M.M.C.C.

Not just a mental health care provider but one who has lived life on the dark side.

Please follow me on Face Book Twitter and through this blog

Also- check out my books on Amazon and local book stores

Depression Anxiety and the Child of God pt one and two 
By Yorkshire Press 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Step 1 - Understanding the Monster within

Step One

Understanding the monster within......

Joshua 1:9

Well - here we are. People from all over the planet all suffering with something that up to 20 years ago was a very small parentage of the population. Now its everywhere: men, women, teens, and very young children some as young as five and six years old. Can you imagine dealing with depression and anxiety at that age ?  When I was that age I was playing in the sand box laughing and smiling about life. Well times have changed . This entire world has changed. There seems to be a spirit of fear like a cloud hovering over our collective. Well be that as it may it doesn’t really matter to debate the why as much as the how the Hell do we get out of this mess. For starters we need to identify the monster that has its grip on you. Is it depression from anxiety or anxiety from depression ? Is it environmental ,situational, Chemical, emotional, or seasonal ? Is it something new to you or a life long swim. For the sake of the worst of us lets skip the mild anxiety and ups and downs of life do to finical or situational issues and lets go right to the heart of the worst of it which is…Daily debilitating Anxiety and Depression. We are talking about clinical here which means life doesn’t feel worth living and in fact is a tormenting  chamber of daily horrors. Its dreading getting up and looking forward to going to sleep. Its loving sleep more then life. Its to the point where you can barely get out of bed. Your fear is so overwhelming that you can not eat sleep or think properly. In fact you have forgotten what normal thought patterns are. Its to the point where you don’t even shower often anymore but lay in your bed sweating and turning. Crying and deep weeping are a daily ritual . Thoughts of taking your life and how you will do it become your only passion. You have tried every thing and read every book. You have taken so many different medications you cant remember all their names. The doctors just seem to throw at you more and more and the time it takes for one med to get out of your system and another to kick in is time you don’t have. You have either lost allot of weight or gained allot.  Everyone tells you it will get better and to just snap out of it.  Some accuse you of faking this whole hell life just so you don’t have to deal with your life. They call it your fake excuse. People are tired of asking how you are and you are tired of making up the same old line. You see people laughing and enjoying simple things and it only makes you feel worse. All of your joys and passions mean nothing. For the most part you are alone and very few understand you. Sometimes you just hate yourself and wish you were never born. If there is a god you curse him for forcing you to be tormented this way. Sometimes though you pride yourself on being an agnostic or atheist you have to admit your have gotten so desperate that you actually tried calling out to god to PLEASE heal and help me for the love of life and humanity. Its come to a point where you will try anything to just stop the pain even for five minutes. From sex, self inflicted pain, cutting, homosexuality, maybe even changing your gender. Sometimes you find that getting tattoos make you feel better for a while but there is not much left of you to work on or pierce .Anything - just to find what is causing this deep pain which ironically hovers around your heart area. Your actual chest area is where you feel the cold dark empty pain. Its like someone is trying to steal away your very breath which is hard to catch at times. Drinking, smoking, even S&M have been tried. Meditation and seeing fortunetellers- you even visited a witch.    When it got real bad and god didn’t listen you might have called out to any deity out there. Maybe even dabbling in the occult just to find an answer if not a cure. As to Life you just want to laugh, run , play and enjoy what everyone else seems to enjoy. It has gotten so bad that you cant even function enough to even hold down the simplest job; to travel, drive or go anywhere which leaves you with no money to live. Being homeless crosses your mind if your not already there. Of love and romance well that’s a distant dream as who would want someone such as you. Looking at your self in the mirror is like looking at a stranger you never knew. When compliments are giving you know they are nothing but a kiss through a veil.  More and more of the people you know are dying from overdoes or suicide and you wonder what the hell is going on. The news of the day is so depressing that you wonder what your are staying alive for anyway. You are at the end of the end and as suicide seems to be the only out yet that to scares you as you wonder if it really is the ultimate escape from the pain or and entrance into a dimension you might not want to encounter.  
Dear friend and fellow sufferer- I know many of these thoughts and pains. I have walked in many of these dark black shoes and yet  I have broken through to the other side of living. I have escaped it though it chases me like a rabid dog at times biting at my heals. YET- Yet I am free and so can you be. So Today I just wanted to get a feel for where your at and what your going through. If any of the words I spoke hit you strongly then maybe what I have to say is worth a listen. 
Listen- I am a friend, one who cares, one who wants to share what I learned so others never have to live another day in this demonic spiral of decay. 

What I ask- well what I ask is this. Is to listen. To get some other people you know who are suffering. To get together and see if what I have to say is true or a lie. If a lie then you wont be any worse off then you already are but IF true…well imagine the outcome. Imagine a MIRACAL !   Now what I also need you to do is to trust me for I will ask you to try things you never tried before. Something’s might sound strange and repulsive to your intellect and educational level. But let me ask you this - if you were walking along a wooded glen and stepped into a bear trap with it slowly closing harder and harder on your leg, and then some person came over and said- “in order to be set free you must say the word (Shin-fane) then blink your eyes three times and cry out ( the moon is a jar ).  Now though it would sound bizarre would you not at least try it ? You would be a fool not to as silly as it sounded. Well I wont ask you to say the moon is a jar or say Shin-Fane which by the way is Gaelic for Ourselves Alone. But I will give you real truth and real answers that if you truly believe against all logic and reason - well you will begin to slowly break free from the chains of darkness. 

So I will wait a few more days and see if anyone is interested. See if I can bring just one person healing and truth then all of this would be worth it to me.

So fight on one more day. Get excited that maybe this darkness can be gone and lifted. No tricks, no gimmicks .
Your fellow friend 

S.R. Kraniak Th.B- M.M.C.C.

Author of 
Spiritual living in a Sexual World - Author house publishers
Depression Anxiety and the Child of God -Part 1 - Yorkshire Publishers
Depression Anxiety and the Child of God -Part  2 - Yorkshire Publishers
Radio talk show host
Newspaper Column Writer
Counseling people from California to New York
New York Times article 
Seminar speaker 
24/7 Suicide hotline 
Like me on FaceBook  Depression Anxiety and the Child of God 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

HELP ME I AM Slowly dying !!! Ever feel like that ?

Help- I am slowly dying and drowning at the same time...
I can't breath another bit of this vile air that's called Anxiety and Depression.

If you have ever felt like this or feel like it right now.. Please stand by because in the next few days we will be getting out the knife and cutting away the pain one layer at a time. When we are done we will be able to breath and start fresh living this thing they call life in the year 2017

Together we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and enter into the promise land.

All that I ask is that you get everyone you know who is suffering this hell and tell them to get on board and follow this blog over the next few days..

Love ya all

S.R. Kraniak Th,B -M.M.C.C.

Been through the fire - will share my fire suit

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

OK here are the Life Changing Books...a 1 - 2 punch at Anxiety and Depression

Dear friends and fellow sufferers...

I did not write these 2 books to get rich but to show you from MY OWN LIFE  struggle how I was able to live a happy normal life again...Also it is not just a bunch of God stuff but real answers through Gods help through many different methods...

Please help me help other people.. buy the books and share them with friends..

So here is how it works

Book number 1 is the How, Why, and What to do about Depression and Anxiety
Book number 2 is the Daily help you need to get up out of bed and face each day..

Please give them a try and see why so many are finding REAL answers not just some words from a Psychologist who never lived what we live through 

I know the pain.. of Anxiety and Depression and Suicide...
I am happy laughing and living can tricks


The book Part 1 ( click on this link to order )

The Book Part 2 ( click on this link to order )

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Attention... Both of my books on Depression and Anxiety are now published by Yorkshire Publishers


Both of my books on Depression and Anxiety are now published by Yorkshire Publishers and soon to be found almost EVERYWHERE on line and in many stores..Plus they are E.BOOKS now if you prefer .. Please pass the word around and get your copy.. or get yours directly from me at 

Depression and Anxiety
SR Kraniak 
170 North Coleman Rd Centereach  NY 11720
631 732

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

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