Thursday, April 17, 2014

Testimonials of what Christ the mighty Counselor can do through Biblical Counseling


“Pastor Scott was a tremendous support during my struggles with anxiety and depression. Sharing from his own experience of depression and anxiety, he made me feel like he could relate to my suffering. I could be open and honest about my past without feeling I was being judged. He has Godly wisdom that I trusted and followed. He encouraged me and I had great confidence in his counsel. He helped me to see some things that were very fearful to me in a new light. I knew that he cared and I was touched by the way he remembered me in prayer. He is kind and he is as real as it gets!  I thank God for him in my life.”

Bernadette H   
Bayshore, NY
"Pastor Scott has been a huge blessing to me. The Lord sent him into my life six years ago in my darkest hour and he has been a major contributor to my recovery from depression, anxiety and cutting issues. I know that Pastor Scott loves the Lord with all his heart and he does his best to follow God's lead in any given situation. His wisdom comes from experience and he has a passion for helping others in their times of need, to direct them to the Lord in all circumstances. I truly believe that if God hadn't sent Pastor Scott and his church into my life when He did, I would not be here to write this. I praise the Lord for His perfect timing and for a man willing to listen to God's heart in helping to heal His children."

Jena M. P.
Rochester, NH 
“Pastor Scott is truly a blessing to have in my life. He has helped me in so many ways over the years with depression anxiety and self-esteem issues. When I am with him I know that he is completely listening to me and that he wants to help as much as he can. He prays with me, comforts me, and really allows me to feel and talk through things.   He makes me feel like he cares, as if I were his own daughter, and that means so much. His faith is contagious, and it is what makes him such an amazing counselor.  God surely speaks through him. He reminds me that I am a child of God and that I am worth so much. I only hope that everyone could have someone like Pastor Scott in their life, to selflessly listen, pray for, and speak the truth of Jesus through his counseling. I am truly blessed God has placed him in my life!” 
Nichole R  

“I think my anxiety started when I was in first grade. I went to Catholic school in the late sixties and I was terrified of the nuns. I was always afraid of doing something wrong.
Depression started in my teens. I remember the words of a poem I wrote for a high school English class.

Who am I, I want to die.
I’m lonely and confused.
Days go by, I wonder why.
I’m tortured and abused.

I had a good family. I was not tortured or abused by them, or the nuns in Catholic school.  But for some reason, I carried this depression and anxiety around with me. It has drained all my energy, made me isolate myself, not wanting to go anywhere, or do anything, or see anyone, unable to enjoy anything or know how to have fun. I have said to myself “I wish I was dead” and “I wish I was never born”. I have had times when the depression was only mild, and times of complete terror, a cold chill in the pit of my chest, followed by complete emptiness. It has debilitated me to the point of staying in bed for days at a time.

I have been on antidepressants with some relief, but the feelings always seem to return.  I remember getting in my car, or driving, and hoping I would have a fatal car crash. I remember being jealous of people with cancer and then the guilt I felt (I am an oncology nurse). I have sat in my car in the garage with the motor running… but I always went back in the house. I was afraid I would go to hell for killing myself.

I came to Christ about seven years ago. Yes, I am definitely a new creation, not the person I used to be. My entire mindset is different. But I still get depressed and anxious.  I have counseled with Pastor Scott. He is very open about his experience with severe depression and anxiety, almost took his life. I knew he understood what I felt. We would talk and pray together. I would text him often in the early mornings (always the worst time for me). He always told me it would get better, and it did. But most of all he assured me that all of my anxieties and depression had a purpose. That God loves me, and knows what I am going through, that I needed to experience this in order to have a closer personal relationship with God. That this “weakness” kept me in constant touch with God, and that would help me to help others who suffer in the same way. Knowing that God is in control of all things, at all times, and trusting Him is what I needed to learn. It lifted a huge burden off of me – trying to figure out how to fix this or live with this on my own.

I still have bouts of anxiety and depression. I take medications that help. But through prayer, and trusting in Christ I have been able to stop it before it becomes debilitating.  Through constant prayer, I ask God to keep me from the darkness of depression and the paralyzing anxiety. God hears and answers prayer, through Christ Jesus. I will never stop praying. He will never let me down. I will use my experience to help others whenever I can.

Laura H. 
Middle Island NY
August 3, 2013

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