Wednesday, December 30, 2020
another rant from another person...add yours
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
More and More people are feeling this way - Whats your story right now
Monday, December 28, 2020
Rage is in me... help me please someone help this pain and torment
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Help this person - Help me.... I am done !!! Please someone answer me DEC 2020... done done done
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
I am so afraid and falling into DEEP depression !!!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Please click on link below if you dont understand
Word of Hope (196) UNDERSTANDING (11-26-20) Click on link below to listen.MP3 -
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
With all the Pain and Suffering in the World
Why waste another minute being sad ?
Give is a fare shake...what have you got to loose ??
Click here
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
I see you. Do you see me
I see you. I see you making disgusted looks in my direction when I walk in the room. I see you covering your mouth as you lean in towards your friend, laughing as you make eye contact with me. I see you as you make assumptions about me. I see you judging me from your high horse. Yes, I do see you.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Im tired of being tired and sick of being depressed !!! How about you ? ( LETS VENT )
Dear friends across this messed up planet
I want to apologize for not blogging in a long time
So here is my rant for 9-20-20
Now I dont know about you but on top of our normal Anxiety and Depression issues we now have this whole Covid thing
This whole unrest and riots
This fear on top of fear
The fires, earthquakes and civil unrest
Whats next ? UFO invasions ?
People are becoming scarry and life is becoming more then we can handle.. It's down right exhausting and if your like me you dont know how much more you can take.
What will happen to the USA in November ?
What will happen to your country ?
What happens if ( THEY) take over ?
Our meds are not enough anymore, friends are not helping if we even have any. And of money and jobs well thats not looking good either .
So are you sick and tired of being sick and tired
Depressed about being depressed ?
Anxious about being anxious ?
Some days i just want to climb under the covers and never come out.
Plus these masks and germs are freaking me out ....Was a germ nut before but now this is too much to bare !
So what's left ? What are you doing to hold on ?
Porn, Drugs, Sex, Drinking, Hiding, Writing, Art, Walking, Pot,Vaping , Cutting ?
We have religious nuts on the one side and political nuts on the other side and everything in between
Well it just all sucks and what can any one expect a person to bare....
So what about you- let's hear from all of you from around the world. How are you coping with all of this ?
I really really really want to know
And I really really care
Please reply here or message me on Facebook or email me at
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Do men get depressed.
While many men who suffer from depression feel that somehow, and in some way, they are weak or deficient, I have found it most encouraging to reflect on great men who have suffered from depression. Many men from Scripture, including kings David and Solomon fell prey to it.
While for a period of my childhood Roy Rogers was my idol, the real male heroes of my life are not the John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, or Arnold Schwarzenegger–types. Nor do Indiana Jones, Robocop, or any Terminators of movie fame ring my bells. My heroes are men like John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, and Martin Luther. You can also add men like Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela.
What is interesting about these men is that, besides being famous, they all knew about depression firsthand. And I mean serious depression. These men, despite their bouts with melancholy, achieved great things for God. Not only were they able to transcend bouts with depression, but they were able, like the apostle Paul, to turn their “affliction” into a force that drove them to compensate for their “down” times. What is really amazing is that they were able to survive major depressions at a time when there were absolutely no forms of treatment available. They were alone in their battles. In fact, until a mere fifty years ago, you were lucky not to end up in a mental institution if you had a severe depression.
Of the more recent great men who have suffered from depression, Sir Winston Churchill has always stood out for me. Always the underdog and an almost total failure by the time he was in his sixties, he found his moment of destiny in history had come when he was chosen to help the British Empire withstand the onslaughts of Hitler’s Nazism. His father and five of the seven dukes of Marlborough, his ancestors, suffered from depression, a clear sign of its genetic causes. All his life he suffered spells of depression, sinking into brooding depths of melancholy—he called it his “black dog.” Every day he chiseled his way through his duties praying for the relief that never came. |
Depressed Saints |
What is even more amazing and encouraging to me is how some of the great saints of God have suffered from depression. Is it possible that it was their very pain that made them what they became? They were by no means weak men. Luther’s great spirit was often in the seventh heaven of exultation, and as frequently on the borders of despair. According to Charles Spurgeon, the great British preacher of the latter part of the last century, even Luther’s very deathbed was not free from turmoil as he sobbed himself into his last sleep “like a great wearied child.”
Spurgeon, of all these great men of God, was the only one who seemed to understand the true nature of depression. One of his lectures to the young men at Spurgeon’s College, the seminary he founded, contains the following words of wisdom:
As it is recorded that David, in the heat of battle, waxed faint, so may it be written of all the servants of the Lord. Fits of depression come over the most of us. Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down. The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy.
I share this account of great men who have suffered from severe depression as an encouragement to those men who may feel that their depression is a sign of a totally wasted life. It is not! You keep company with some of the greatest human beings that have ever lived! |
Should Men Be Concerned About Depression? |
My answer is simple and emphatic: yes. In any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, three to four million men in the United States alone suffer from clinical depression. And the number is rising by the month.
While the risk of abandoning life is very high when you are depressed (I have seen too many suicides not to be acutely aware of how dangerous depression can be), suicide is not the only outcome risk of depression. As someone has said, “Those who don’t put a gun to their heads are liable to die in other untimely ways.” For instance, researchers at the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health have found that depression is a big factor in fatal heart attacks. It also increases blood pressure and cholesterol. The reason? We now realize that depression is a significant cause of stress. A recent study from Ohio State University suggests that depression increases men’s, but not women’s, risk of dying from heart disease.
But health and life are not the only reasons why men should be concerned about depression. When a husband or father is so incapacitated by depression that he will not own and get treatment for it, a whole family is cut down. When that husband or father is a Christian, his family’s spiritual well-being is often also placed in jeopardy, let alone his own. To put it bluntly, a man who is depressed, for whatever reason, who refuses to get treatment or attend to his depression, is not only harming his own life, but also the lives of those who love and want to care for him. If only you could hear the stories of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment I hear from wives, perhaps you might try a little harder to get help. Those nearest and dearest to you don’t deserve to be treated this way.
There is one more reason why men, all men, should be concerned about depression. There is so much nonsense in the beliefs of men, particularly nonsense about the nature and treatment of depression, that it is as if men, particularly Christian men, are still living in the dark ages. I’m serious. With so much information now available to all of us about how devastating depression can be, how can the truth just be ignored? True, depression is undiagnosed in more than two-thirds of the men who suffer from it, so the mental health professionals who ignore male depression have to bear some of the blame. But our Christian subculture is guilty of perpetuating some of the most archaic and distorted attitudes toward depression, distortions that cause a lot of unnecessary suffering.
Depression is a lot more common in men than statistics tend to show. Even when it is accurately diagnosed, the treatment will often be ineffective for several reasons: the wrong medication is being used, the dosage is incorrect, or the sufferer doesn’t follow through on the treatment (called “non- compliance”—the bane of every treating professional’s life). Often a particular type of psychotherapy is needed rather than medication, although some professionals are not adequately trained to discern this. It is no wonder, therefore, that many depressed men stand on the sideline and insist that this game is not for them! Treatment appears, to many of them, to be a hopeless endeavor, so they don’t even try!
Men should also be concerned about their own beliefs and feelings about depression because these will affect (I was going to say “infect,” which is equally true) the men around them, including their own sons. For most men, depression is something not discussed or talked about, and this silence surrounding depression actually perpetuates depression. I am talking about Christian men as much as I am about non-Christian. Many believe that if you live a “God-directed life,” you will never become depressed. Too many devout and deeply committed men have suffered through the centuries from depression for this to be true!
Fortunately, the prospect for recovery is better than it has ever been in history. While in times past depression was a devastatingly powerful disorder, it now need not be feared. This is the hope that I want to engender in my readers. Gone are the days when depression was a terrible thing to behold or experience. We can welcome a new hope for those who are depressed, born out of the discoveries we are now making. I see all healing discoveries that help to alleviate human suffering as “gifts from God.” After all, it is the brain He has provided us with that has made these discoveries possible. All that remains is for us to receive these gifts of healing, open the prison gates of our depression, and let ourselves free. We do not lack for help. What we lack is the courage to receive that help. |
Excerpted with permission from Unmasking Male Depression by Dr. Archibald D. Hart, copyright Archibald Hart.
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Your Turn |
How have you or others encountered the “black dog” of depression? How does it bring you hope to know that so many great men of history have encountered bouts of depression in their lives? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! |
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
A True Story of Healing and Success (JENA'S STORY)
Monday, July 6, 2020
ITS TIME TO GET REAL !! Follow this PLAN !
Monday, June 8, 2020
Life is worth fighting for.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
How to not worry with so much to worry about
So much that it seems everyone is dealing with depression and anxiety
Click link below to discuss the solutions together and don't forget to subscribe to our page.
Monday, June 1, 2020
When FEAR and SORROW is all around - REMEMBER !!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I'm not your suicide. Please help us stop this monster.
Watch my friend Michael Sweets amazing song. Let's stop this epidemic
Click on link
I'm NOT your suicide !!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2020
If your thinking about taking your life today
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
WHAT IF ?????
Click on Podcast below to listen
12 min that will change your life...and more
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
I CANT TAkE this AnY more. I'm Done
I CANT Do This
I cant take this life and fear
Well click on this link below
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
HOPELESS IN DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY ( my personal story in 6 min)
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Some scientific FACTS to think about......
IS THERE A GOD ?? Proof is what we NEED !!!!
Monday, April 13, 2020
Free Daily Podcast of GOOD NEWS- subscribe below NO Strings
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Help the Sky is falling part 2 ( Corona Virus Truth vs Lies )
Thursday, February 27, 2020
The Truth about the CORONA VIRUS - 6 min that will save your life
click on link below
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Help the sky is Falling - CORONA FLU FEARS - Are they real ? OMNIPHOBIA
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
IMPORTANT - Truth Video that will lead to your HEALING and HAPPINESS
Sunday, February 2, 2020
here it is - Why you NEED NOT fear the Corona Virus or anything EVER !
I know there is so much to fear and worry about these days. But what if there was a way to never fear these things. Then you could enjoy life FEARLESSLY !
Well PLEASE I beg you- listen to this podcast below and give it a FAIR FULL LISTEN
What have you got to loose ?
Click on link below
Saturday, February 1, 2020
FEAR - WORRY- AFRAID !!!! The Corona Virus, Middle east wars,
THIS SUNDAY 11:00am is the time to come
NO GIMMICKS !! This is a MUST listen message if you are to survive this mess.
BEING AFRAID at the Centereach Bible Church