Monday, September 21, 2020

Im tired of being tired and sick of being depressed !!! How about you ? ( LETS VENT )


Dear friends across this messed up planet

I want to apologize for not blogging in a long time


So here is my rant for 9-20-20

Now I dont know about you but on top of our normal Anxiety and Depression issues we now have this whole Covid thing

This whole unrest and riots

This fear on top of fear 

The fires, earthquakes and civil unrest 

Whats next ? UFO invasions ?

People are becoming scarry and life is becoming more then we can handle.. It's down right exhausting and if your like me you dont know how much more you can take.

What will happen to the USA in November ?

What will happen to your country ?

What happens if ( THEY) take over ?

Our meds are not enough anymore, friends are not helping if we even have any. And of money and jobs well thats not looking good either .

So are you sick and tired of being sick and tired

Depressed about being depressed ?

Anxious about being anxious ?

Some days i just want to climb under the covers and never come out.

Plus these masks and germs are freaking me out ....Was a germ nut before but now this is too much to bare !

So what's left ? What are you doing to hold on ?

Porn, Drugs, Sex, Drinking, Hiding, Writing, Art, Walking, Pot,Vaping , Cutting  ?

We have religious nuts on the one side and political nuts on the other side and everything in between

Well it just all sucks and what can any one expect a person to bare....

So what about you- let's hear from all of you from around the world.  How are you coping with all of this ?

I really really really want to know

And I really really care 


Please reply here or message me on Facebook or email me at

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