Maybe an Alien ?
So if you have been following this Blog for the last few months you know that there is a goal. There is an end to all of these odd BLOGS I’m writing. All of them have a goal, and end, a purpose. Its not just to say things you want to hear but to give you the real real real real answers. People - I promise you that if you hold on just a bit longer, that you WILL find the answer to your pain, loneliness, depression, anxiety, cutting, and horrid life we seem to have to endure. See I know your pain because like I have said- I have lived it and been through the darkest days you can ever imagine. Dear friend whoever you are- for my friends and fellow sufferers in Russia, Turkey, Israel, USA, China, Denmark, Australia, Holland, Iran, India, no matter where you are.. PLEASE listen to me. This is not a scam, not a joke, not a gimmick, not a ploy to get you to buy my books. This is not some religious trick to get you to join some cult- NO ! This is the way- the ONLY way out of this Hell hole we are in. So please follow this blog and by the end of this year or sooner I will reveal the answer we all MUST have and MUST get. A cure people a real cure out of this mess. Please hang on a little longer.
Back to the series I am doing and this next one today is titled -
Now if you remember from last time that we discussed this COMPANION who would be our guide and friend. A guardian of the galaxy so to speak, We spoke about how wonderful it would be to have such a person (being) in our lives. Well the next question is- can there be a celestial friend out there who has the answers ? With all the talk of life on other planets, UFO’s and “other” life forms in the Cosmos well- maybe there is. Maybe this “being” is not of this world. Maybe he or even she is from another world. All I know is of the people I know from this dimension (earth) well they have been no help as they just don’t have the power and answers to fix me. So maybe the answer to this issue lies beyond this world from a power that is not of this world. A power and life form NOT human ! And if there was such a power, a force, an Alien intelligence well then the question is how do we reach him? How would we find him and has he even visited this planet already. We hear again - about all these visitation- maybe there is something to this close encounter of the 3rd kind. Maybe there is something or someone with ALL the answers to this dying world and planet. Who is this power, where might he be from, and what might he want from us mortals ?
Stay tuned as we dig deeper into this question and in time - find the answer we are ALL looking for.
S.R. Kraniak
1 comment:
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