Last time together I did and introduction for people on the edge...
I was and have been on that edge so I know it with very fiber of my being.
I know what I'm talking about
So this segment will be about taking the first step to healing. The first step to not going over that waterfall to darkness.
Dear friend and fellow sufferer - if you are there I want you to consider these few questions before you take that last breath.
A) Do you really know whats on the other side ?
B) What if this year was the break through year ?
C) What about the people you leave behind ?
D) What if it doesn't work and you wake up in the hospital in a worse condition then you were before ?
E) What if there really is a God and He hates suicide more then anything ?
F) What if there is an Evil one who wants you to take your life and He is the voice you are hearing in your ear ?
These are all part of step 1. Please hold on as every few weeks we get closer to the real solution and a whole knew life .
SR Kraniak