Please click on link below and PLEASE give it a listen... what do you have to lose ?
Sunday, December 29, 2019
How to enter into 2020 with FEARLESS VISION
Please click on link below and PLEASE give it a listen... what do you have to lose ?
Sunday, December 22, 2019
No - Depression and Anxiety doesnt go away for Christmas...HELP ME - Someone Please
The Worst time to be going through your Worst time
Of all the times I spent depressed and locked in debilitating agonizing anxiety I would have to say it was the times when everyone else was at their happiest. Like holidays, sunny beach days, parties and the like. Its not that we are bitter of your good happy happy time ( well maybe sometimes we are ) but most of the time its just a slap in the face of how miserable we are. To see people walking on the beach and laughing at parties. To see people all excited about Christmas and a new car or new love while your dying inside -well its a pain like no other. In fact I would have to say that on days when I was feeling a little OK it would be the site of someone doing something fun and happy that would actually trigger my emotional manure. It was like my mind would say to itself -"hey what are you feeling OK about, remember your a mess and your not as happy as them nor will you ever be". Wow talk about a slap in the face. See people who don't know our walk and struggle they can never understand how it manifests itself. I remember one time leaving for a family vacation and road trip. Everyone was happy excited and the car was filled with enthusiasm. All hoping dad would just be a normal dad. So there we were leaving the confines of Long Island NY USA and then quickly pulling over to the side of the road and me saying to my wife - I cant go any further. We would then turn around that day and head back home. My mind sinking faster and faster into depression as I kept ruminating the thoughts of a life that would always be like this. Who would want to live like this all the time? Not me !
So whats the point , answer and way out for happy times for THEM while we are in a living nightmare ? Well the answer is never simple but in reality it is if we can just - hold on. People allot of the life of a person like us is HOLDING ON one day more. See we must hold on one day more and not just for our own sanity but for all of those we love and who love us. Friends I can only tell you what is the answer for me and what is the answer for you - It is the answer we don't like or find hard to believe in. Its the answer that because of the Reality of a loving God who sees our pain and sorrow that ONE DAY it WILL pass . Really it will pass and you will smile again , smell the flowers, walk the dog, go on vacation /holiday, enjoy life , have fun, and look forward to things. It will happen but you and I MUST hold on one more day. We must believe that GOD is real and will always be real. Dear friends on this Christmas 2019 be you alone or with many I give you the only gift that is worth anything. It is the gift of Christmas which is the gift of NEW LIFE for 2020. Your only job is to except it, believe it and want it more than life itself. So anyway with all of that said here is His gift to you.
So 2019 years ago a baby was born. A baby born to die. A baby born to die for you and I. A baby which was God come to earth for His creation. Come to earth to save us from ourselves and our biggest issue which was - not being able to feel God nor walk with Him because of a dirty little wall called sin. Our imperfections which would always leave us imperfect and separated and alone. See friends the coldness we feel is the coldness of being outside the loop of Gods light. So God knowing that we couldn't fix ourselves decided to fix the problem for us. So He offers you this gift. It cost nothing to us but everything to Him. Its the gift of freedom, forgiveness, new life and one never to be alone again. So right where you are right now- PLEASE I beg you ! Please call out to God and ask Him to restore you to what you were made to be. Ask Him to forgive you and believe His love through His Son is the only thing you need. Want it and desire it and except it, Believe that Jesus is GOD come to earth for You and I and decide to serve and live for Him this new year. Claim and call Him Lord and King and trust in Jesus dying for us and then rising for us ! Do this by faith not even seeing any proof or understanding how this all works. Just do it and wait for Him. He will not let you down and will lead you down the path towards HIM.
I did this one day and I am here and alive ONLY because of Him. Please accept this gift. Not of religion or lies but of truth and Hope. It is REAL !!!! Don't follow the lies of this world anymore follow Him... Wait and be patient and see the Salvation of the Lord . The Salvation for all who believe and seek Him.
S.R. Kraniak
Of all the times I spent depressed and locked in debilitating agonizing anxiety I would have to say it was the times when everyone else was at their happiest. Like holidays, sunny beach days, parties and the like. Its not that we are bitter of your good happy happy time ( well maybe sometimes we are ) but most of the time its just a slap in the face of how miserable we are. To see people walking on the beach and laughing at parties. To see people all excited about Christmas and a new car or new love while your dying inside -well its a pain like no other. In fact I would have to say that on days when I was feeling a little OK it would be the site of someone doing something fun and happy that would actually trigger my emotional manure. It was like my mind would say to itself -"hey what are you feeling OK about, remember your a mess and your not as happy as them nor will you ever be". Wow talk about a slap in the face. See people who don't know our walk and struggle they can never understand how it manifests itself. I remember one time leaving for a family vacation and road trip. Everyone was happy excited and the car was filled with enthusiasm. All hoping dad would just be a normal dad. So there we were leaving the confines of Long Island NY USA and then quickly pulling over to the side of the road and me saying to my wife - I cant go any further. We would then turn around that day and head back home. My mind sinking faster and faster into depression as I kept ruminating the thoughts of a life that would always be like this. Who would want to live like this all the time? Not me !
So whats the point , answer and way out for happy times for THEM while we are in a living nightmare ? Well the answer is never simple but in reality it is if we can just - hold on. People allot of the life of a person like us is HOLDING ON one day more. See we must hold on one day more and not just for our own sanity but for all of those we love and who love us. Friends I can only tell you what is the answer for me and what is the answer for you - It is the answer we don't like or find hard to believe in. Its the answer that because of the Reality of a loving God who sees our pain and sorrow that ONE DAY it WILL pass . Really it will pass and you will smile again , smell the flowers, walk the dog, go on vacation /holiday, enjoy life , have fun, and look forward to things. It will happen but you and I MUST hold on one more day. We must believe that GOD is real and will always be real. Dear friends on this Christmas 2019 be you alone or with many I give you the only gift that is worth anything. It is the gift of Christmas which is the gift of NEW LIFE for 2020. Your only job is to except it, believe it and want it more than life itself. So anyway with all of that said here is His gift to you.
So 2019 years ago a baby was born. A baby born to die. A baby born to die for you and I. A baby which was God come to earth for His creation. Come to earth to save us from ourselves and our biggest issue which was - not being able to feel God nor walk with Him because of a dirty little wall called sin. Our imperfections which would always leave us imperfect and separated and alone. See friends the coldness we feel is the coldness of being outside the loop of Gods light. So God knowing that we couldn't fix ourselves decided to fix the problem for us. So He offers you this gift. It cost nothing to us but everything to Him. Its the gift of freedom, forgiveness, new life and one never to be alone again. So right where you are right now- PLEASE I beg you ! Please call out to God and ask Him to restore you to what you were made to be. Ask Him to forgive you and believe His love through His Son is the only thing you need. Want it and desire it and except it, Believe that Jesus is GOD come to earth for You and I and decide to serve and live for Him this new year. Claim and call Him Lord and King and trust in Jesus dying for us and then rising for us ! Do this by faith not even seeing any proof or understanding how this all works. Just do it and wait for Him. He will not let you down and will lead you down the path towards HIM.
I did this one day and I am here and alive ONLY because of Him. Please accept this gift. Not of religion or lies but of truth and Hope. It is REAL !!!! Don't follow the lies of this world anymore follow Him... Wait and be patient and see the Salvation of the Lord . The Salvation for all who believe and seek Him.
S.R. Kraniak
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Thursday, October 31, 2019
You are not alone !!!
You are not alone !!!
Please watch this short clip
You are not alone !!!
Please watch this short clip
Depression Anxiety and the Child of God: You are NOT ALONE
Depression Anxiety and the Child of God: You are NOT ALONE: You are not alone !!! Please watch this short clip
Monday, October 14, 2019
A very important message - 2 minutes thats it
Even if you live far away you can still follow us for free
listen to this 2 min message
Even if you live far away you can still follow us for free
listen to this 2 min message
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Maybe the answer is out there... Someone will visit from outside of earth to save us
Ever wish someone from outside of earth would just come down with all of the answers to our life problems ?
Wouldn't it be great that all I really need is a close encounter of the 3rd kind ?
Even better a Close Encounter of the 4th kind, where an life force greater than mine simply takes over me and comforts me with all the help and answers I need.
Well - lets see if there is, August 25, 2019
For those who fail again and again and again
If your like me and you cant stop making the same mistakes and thinking your just the worst of the worst... well here is a powerful word for you
Please click on link below
Please click on link below
Sunday, June 30, 2019
No one knows what it is like - I do !
No one knows what its like....
Walk a mile in my shoes before you tell me to smile !
- Waking up is like opening your eyes each morning to a world on fire. Its loud scary and sends chills down your spine. You can think or move as fear grips you on every side.
- Cold sweats / Hot sweats , Nausea and a sick stomach . Sometimes it leads to vomiting and bathroom trips.
- Thoughts running through your mind its like trying to catch fire flys swarming you every step you take.
Thanks just getting up..
- Then its trying to get out of the house. but first you have to get out of the bed. The covers and pillow are your only friend and you dont want to leave them.
- Sleep is your drug and its a sleep that never lasts long enough. You chase it like chasing the wind and its gone before you can hold onto it long enough.
- So you talk yourself into getting up and into the shower. You look at yourself in the mirror and cant believe what you have become. You see the lifeless look in your face and eyes and remember when you were a child with joy.
- You climb into the shower and just let the water pound you like needles running all over you soul. You dont want to leave that brief moment of fleeting pleasure but you know it must end.
- Next its getting dressed and wondering whats the point of even looking good.. Style and dress no longer matter as you put on your clothes which are either now too big or too small. depends if you stopped eating long ago or cant stop.
- Then comes facing that front door and the fears of what is out there- oh not monsters and danger -no they dont scare you. no its the fears of talking to people, interacting and dealing with life issues like work and driving and being in public
- Then there is your family and friends which each day you must play the game of fake smiles and small talk. waiting for the same old questions and comments . Ones like: are you ok ? How are you feeling ? Why not try to shake it off or cheer up- you have so much to live for and your so wonderful. Why dont you just snap out of it.
- Then there are the secret whispers you hear behind each door - Oh she or he just doesnt want to face life, they are lazy and playing us all for our sympathy. Their just playing the system so they dont have to work, they just done want to try . They are feeling sorry for themselves and want us to buy into their pity party.
And thats just the day time....
But there is a high side which we dream of...
Its coming home and getting there as fast as we can.
running to our bed and waiting for night to fall so sleep can captivate us again.
The Night is our solace and joy
And lets not forget about the days long pondering of ways to take your life.
Maybe just turning into an oncoming car or jumping into traffic.
Thought after thought of how our end would show them how real this is..
So dont tell us to snap out of know not what one minute of my life is like..
Dear friends -
I know the day in the life of one dealing with Depression and Anxiety.
I know every single ugly inch of it but I also know the other side...
You can but not alone-
Christ is what Christ Offers - PEACE , JOY, SAFETY, and NEW LIFE
Please call out to Him today and He will hear you...Ask Him to take control, save your soul forgive your sins ,and become Lord of all in your Life.
2 Tim 1:7 For God has not giving us the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind
Please check out my 2 Books
Depression anxiety and the child of GOD Pt 1 and Pt 2
Get them on Amazon
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Depression and Anxiety book are available
For those trying to get my books on depression and anxiety on Amazon. Yes they are temporarily sold out but you can get them on Barns and Noble .com
Either type in my name ( Scott Kraniak) or the following book titles
Depression Anxiety and the child of God
Part 1.
Depression Anxiety and the child of God
Part 2 ( the daily devotional )
Spiritual Living in a Sexual World
Thank you for your patients
PLUS I have them in Stock personally.
Let me know
631 949 6752 or text
Either type in my name ( Scott Kraniak) or the following book titles
Depression Anxiety and the child of God
Part 1.
Depression Anxiety and the child of God
Part 2 ( the daily devotional )
Spiritual Living in a Sexual World
Thank you for your patients
PLUS I have them in Stock personally.
Let me know
631 949 6752 or text
Monday, January 21, 2019
Why I'm sorry
Why I believe Christians today owe YOU the World
a big apology
Please read this Apology from one small town Pastor
Dear Friends out there locally on Long Island NY and those listening anywhere else.
I ask that you would first take a few minutes to read this long post and really digest it and then share this message with as many people as you can IF you agree. See I think its time that the Churches across the world but especially in the USA stand up and come clean. What I mean is- there was a time many years ago when the local church ( meaning the local church building-not to be confused with the body of Christ as believers but not always separate ) Was the center of the community. A place where the towns people met. They met to hold meetings to resolve local issues and to come together. It was always a good place that was safe and a place that you could trust. A place to find answers; good people, honest helpful people. A place with open doors to run to for hope help and the first place of refuge in times of need. But something happened over the years because that is no longer the case- and I believe it is our own fault. Today the church is the last place people think of when thinking of a place to run to for answers safety and hope. Here is what I believe are some of the reasons which are all of our own making; Between the church scandals , sex abuse , corruption, abuse of power, money making lies to steal people’s money, phony healers and Hollywood style theatrics - it has instead become the last place you would think of going. But there is more - besides those issues just watch any typical Pastor / Clergy on Face book , Social media or news show and or protest march and we have become the face of ; The Haters, nasty, angry screaming and marching , protesting bigots. It has become hard to tell what’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. It has simply become us against them and only: Hurrah for our side. Jesus and His Salvation message is rarely heard .
Somehow the “Church” of Jesus Christ - has become the Church of Angry bitter mean spirited politically driven mobs who want you away from us as far as possible. Somehow the message of Jesus Christ- IE: The GOOD NEWS that He has come to give- has been forgotten and the focus has become the Cancer He came to save us from. See that’s my point. Too much focus on the Cancer not enough on the Cure. Example- When the doctor tells you -you have a sickness, well you don’t want to know more about the sickness you want to know about the cure. Well all I see lately from so many of my Christian Pastor friends and Christian brothers and sisters is this: Its spending so much time talking about all the Cancer --As is in- how We must stop the Cancer , boycott the Cancer , protest the Cancer, stay away from people with Cancer - Keep Cancer filled people away from our people (as if we have no cancer). But little about the GOOD NEWS- That Jesus Christ is the ONE who came to Heal us of it. I for one because of this want to apologize for this because I don’t think the world has gotten the RIGHT message. All they get is a lesson in Cancer and how bad it is but very little on how God sent His Son Jesus to Cure it. I believe very few ever hear the true Good news and very few Churches proclaim it anymore or have maybe forgotten what Jesus actually preached and did when He walked the earth. That Jesus didn’t come to become socially or politically active or to start a new Religion but actually to condemn religion as one part of the worlds problems. That He didn’t come to end wars or poverty and make a better world but simply to prepare us for the next so that we could all -no longer be separated from Him. So this is what I would like you to do. Please 1st- Share this post with as many people as you can. Get this dialog started- that Christians owe the world an apology ( Not that Jesus Christ does) But We do for not conveying His message properly -as its not BAD news but GOOD news. Then #2 Please find a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Then #3 Try to find a Good Bible Church by making sure they stay away from all social / political issues and only focus on the GOSPEL pure and simple. Here at the Centereach Bible Church that is what we try to do. And for those out there -the Christians who seem to hate Christians and love to debate Christians and who think that we have gone too Liberal or too Conservative or too maybe soft on Gods Word - well no we have not! In fact we are bold defenders of it to our core and to the extreme -but only to the point of preaching IT and HIS agenda as IT IS- not ours as WE want it to be.
Which BTW- This is a good question.
What is the Agenda of Jesus?
John 12:47 says-And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
Dear friends and fellow citizens of planet earth -If that is the mission of Jesus Christ then that should be ours until He returns. Also if you would like more information on this odd thing I am stating, that seems to at odds with the typical modern church today then take a look at my personal you tube page ( not associated with the cbc ) called ( My Christian Apology Tour ) by Scott Kraniak.
I would say our biggest departure from the Gospel truth was when we decided that the Church was to become Cancer Fighters. That we would decide which Cancer is the worst and which Cancer must be exposed to the masses . But dear friends it doesn’t matter what Cancer one has it only matters that one has cancer as all cancer kills. Seems we decided that as long as my cancer was a private one and yours was an outward one then it was ok to march against your cancer because no one saw my cancer.
Let us not forget Romans 6:23 -The penalty for ALL sin is death ( not just the ones we don’t like or don’t have a problem with ) and let us not forget the good part of that scripture that we never march for down the streets of Washington ( The gift of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord )
Please lets get the right message back out there and stop putting OUR words in Gods mouth. The time is short, the day is drawing near- time is wasting. Let us get back to proclaiming Gods messages of Repentance, Salvation, and His soon Return.
The Church is not here to keep people out but to bring people in.
In to Gods Kingdom- meaning that YES we must go OUT there into the World and reach the lost ( Those people) with the Good news, not the bad.
There is enough bad news already out there.
Flavoring our words with GODS LOVE not mans Hate and no;
not watering down Gods Word but again - focusing on the CURE NOT the CANCER.
And what is That GOOD NEWS that we have all forgotten again ?
Yes there is a Great Cancer ( In many forms )
Jesus Saves- Jesus Gives Hope- Jesus Changes Life
Jesus brings us all back into a right relationship with God through His
payment for our sins because of His great love for us Sinners
NOT His great Hate for us Sinners
In closing - less the Pharisees try to attack me here. Please understand I am NOT apologizing for Jesus Christ, nor the Bible or its Words, Laws and Commands. I stand on every single one of them and bend away from none. What I am apologizing for is how we ( the Christians of the modern world ) How we have bent, distorted and corrupted the pure loving message of the good news that Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am chief.
Pastor Scott Kraniak
a big apology
Please read this Apology from one small town Pastor
Dear Friends out there locally on Long Island NY and those listening anywhere else.
I ask that you would first take a few minutes to read this long post and really digest it and then share this message with as many people as you can IF you agree. See I think its time that the Churches across the world but especially in the USA stand up and come clean. What I mean is- there was a time many years ago when the local church ( meaning the local church building-not to be confused with the body of Christ as believers but not always separate ) Was the center of the community. A place where the towns people met. They met to hold meetings to resolve local issues and to come together. It was always a good place that was safe and a place that you could trust. A place to find answers; good people, honest helpful people. A place with open doors to run to for hope help and the first place of refuge in times of need. But something happened over the years because that is no longer the case- and I believe it is our own fault. Today the church is the last place people think of when thinking of a place to run to for answers safety and hope. Here is what I believe are some of the reasons which are all of our own making; Between the church scandals , sex abuse , corruption, abuse of power, money making lies to steal people’s money, phony healers and Hollywood style theatrics - it has instead become the last place you would think of going. But there is more - besides those issues just watch any typical Pastor / Clergy on Face book , Social media or news show and or protest march and we have become the face of ; The Haters, nasty, angry screaming and marching , protesting bigots. It has become hard to tell what’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. It has simply become us against them and only: Hurrah for our side. Jesus and His Salvation message is rarely heard .
Somehow the “Church” of Jesus Christ - has become the Church of Angry bitter mean spirited politically driven mobs who want you away from us as far as possible. Somehow the message of Jesus Christ- IE: The GOOD NEWS that He has come to give- has been forgotten and the focus has become the Cancer He came to save us from. See that’s my point. Too much focus on the Cancer not enough on the Cure. Example- When the doctor tells you -you have a sickness, well you don’t want to know more about the sickness you want to know about the cure. Well all I see lately from so many of my Christian Pastor friends and Christian brothers and sisters is this: Its spending so much time talking about all the Cancer --As is in- how We must stop the Cancer , boycott the Cancer , protest the Cancer, stay away from people with Cancer - Keep Cancer filled people away from our people (as if we have no cancer). But little about the GOOD NEWS- That Jesus Christ is the ONE who came to Heal us of it. I for one because of this want to apologize for this because I don’t think the world has gotten the RIGHT message. All they get is a lesson in Cancer and how bad it is but very little on how God sent His Son Jesus to Cure it. I believe very few ever hear the true Good news and very few Churches proclaim it anymore or have maybe forgotten what Jesus actually preached and did when He walked the earth. That Jesus didn’t come to become socially or politically active or to start a new Religion but actually to condemn religion as one part of the worlds problems. That He didn’t come to end wars or poverty and make a better world but simply to prepare us for the next so that we could all -no longer be separated from Him. So this is what I would like you to do. Please 1st- Share this post with as many people as you can. Get this dialog started- that Christians owe the world an apology ( Not that Jesus Christ does) But We do for not conveying His message properly -as its not BAD news but GOOD news. Then #2 Please find a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Then #3 Try to find a Good Bible Church by making sure they stay away from all social / political issues and only focus on the GOSPEL pure and simple. Here at the Centereach Bible Church that is what we try to do. And for those out there -the Christians who seem to hate Christians and love to debate Christians and who think that we have gone too Liberal or too Conservative or too maybe soft on Gods Word - well no we have not! In fact we are bold defenders of it to our core and to the extreme -but only to the point of preaching IT and HIS agenda as IT IS- not ours as WE want it to be.
Which BTW- This is a good question.
What is the Agenda of Jesus?
John 12:47 says-And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
Dear friends and fellow citizens of planet earth -If that is the mission of Jesus Christ then that should be ours until He returns. Also if you would like more information on this odd thing I am stating, that seems to at odds with the typical modern church today then take a look at my personal you tube page ( not associated with the cbc ) called ( My Christian Apology Tour ) by Scott Kraniak.
I would say our biggest departure from the Gospel truth was when we decided that the Church was to become Cancer Fighters. That we would decide which Cancer is the worst and which Cancer must be exposed to the masses . But dear friends it doesn’t matter what Cancer one has it only matters that one has cancer as all cancer kills. Seems we decided that as long as my cancer was a private one and yours was an outward one then it was ok to march against your cancer because no one saw my cancer.
Let us not forget Romans 6:23 -The penalty for ALL sin is death ( not just the ones we don’t like or don’t have a problem with ) and let us not forget the good part of that scripture that we never march for down the streets of Washington ( The gift of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord )
Please lets get the right message back out there and stop putting OUR words in Gods mouth. The time is short, the day is drawing near- time is wasting. Let us get back to proclaiming Gods messages of Repentance, Salvation, and His soon Return.
The Church is not here to keep people out but to bring people in.
In to Gods Kingdom- meaning that YES we must go OUT there into the World and reach the lost ( Those people) with the Good news, not the bad.
There is enough bad news already out there.
Flavoring our words with GODS LOVE not mans Hate and no;
not watering down Gods Word but again - focusing on the CURE NOT the CANCER.
And what is That GOOD NEWS that we have all forgotten again ?
Yes there is a Great Cancer ( In many forms )
Jesus Saves- Jesus Gives Hope- Jesus Changes Life
Jesus brings us all back into a right relationship with God through His
payment for our sins because of His great love for us Sinners
NOT His great Hate for us Sinners
In closing - less the Pharisees try to attack me here. Please understand I am NOT apologizing for Jesus Christ, nor the Bible or its Words, Laws and Commands. I stand on every single one of them and bend away from none. What I am apologizing for is how we ( the Christians of the modern world ) How we have bent, distorted and corrupted the pure loving message of the good news that Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am chief.
Pastor Scott Kraniak
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
If this was my LAST BLOG EVER
Dear faithful friends from all around the globe. From Pakistan to Turkey to Russia to the USA to Australia to France. Over the years its been exciting to see my little BLOG on Depression and Anxiety reaching now up to 12000 people plus. Yeah not much compared to those Youtube people and famous Bloggers but from a nobody from NY USA I am happy with it. See its not about reaching many its about reaching one. My hope and prayer is that I reached just one single person and changed their life but even more- changed their eternity. Anyway with all of that bombastic flowery speech aside I want to write this Blog ( my first for 2019) as if it were my last. What would I say ? What should I say ? Well I would start by saying this- “ Wow - what the hell is going on ? The world looks like its on fire. Real fire but even more cultural spiritual social emotional economical political environmental FIRE! I have never seen not just one town or one country but the entire planet in such a mess. From the riots of the Yellow vests in France to the massive fires in CA USA to all the Earth Quakes , saber rattling war mongering hate and divide. And lets talk about the GREAT divide. Its like the world is now completely divided right down the line one side against the other with not one single once of give from either side. There is no love from either side and only ugly hate. Violent hatred for each other. One side wants to go one way and the other side wants to go another. Government after government are falling and crumbling to the ground. National identity is lost and if that’s good or bad I am not here to say I am just saying what is. All I know is that violence is the rule and intolerance of everyone is all that is tolerated. Dear friends and fellow citizen of planet earth. I do NOT know how we can recover from this. I do not see how any human leader can fix this. No one will listen, no will wants to reason. All we want is things our way and that’s it. Of our depression and anxiety well they seem to be small issues now as lives are crumbling all over. It seems the whole world is becoming depressed and fearful. Its NOT JUST US anymore. Its like a pandemic of fear and depression that is spreading. It seems that all we can do now is cry scream yell and beg for help but no one is really listening. They just say take this pill sign over all you own and rights to who you are and we will see you later. Our little voice has just become that- OUR LITTLE VOICE and it is becoming harder to climb out of bed when the voices outside are now louder then the voices in our head. Which brings me to this last word for you all if this was my LAST BLOG and who knows it may just be if car accident or cancer or some other calamity comes my way. So what is my last word in such a time to people that I love and care about and I DO love and care about you all. Well here are the best words I can leave you.. No not mine but Gods Last Words.So ever wonder what Gods Words last Words to the World were before He left this Earth and closed His book. Would be interesting to see. So I dug around and found them in the last book of the Bible last Chapter last few words.
Revelations chapter 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
But what does God mean that He comes Quickly and how would we know when He is coming back ? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing anyway ?
Well if your still listening as I know most stopped when I mentioned God but I hope one out of the thousands out there is still with me just in case your wrong.
So what does God say about our world TODAY. Does He mention what it would look like ? Well yes he does- check this out.
Matthew Chapter 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
So what does that all mean and what can WE do about it..
Well here is the simple solution and your choices
1- Stay the way you are and live through the worst times this planet has ever seen. It is only going to get worse as EVIL takes over full control as God in no longer wanted. Then the crud will hit the fan so to speak and you just don’t want to be here. You will actually want to kill yourself and wont be able to. Imagine that horror ?
But there is an escape and a great hope. It is to give your heart soul and life to Jesus Christ. Listen dear fellow planet friend- what else left is there to try or do. What if God and Jesus Christ really is the answer and all this while you hated Him so much that you cursed Him and ran from Him but only because you never got the right story. So what have you got to loose at this point. See look around you- the Calvary isn’t come to save us. The police or governments isn’t coming to save the day- they cant even if they wanted to.
2. Do THIS !
listen to me ! Now right now where you are. Bow your head and close your eyes. Repeat these words along with me. Dear Father Creator God of all living and dead. I have never known you as you are and I this day do desire to know you. I want to know the truth, the Real truth once and for all. This world and evil are scaring me. I want to be saved and spared all of this. Please dear God forgive me for my sins be they big or small because you being God are spotless and I cant reach you unless I am spotless but I cant make myself spotless only you can. And I believe you did when you left your world and entered our world as a man- the man Christ Jesus. Your LOVED ME so much that you died for me as I am big sin or little sin and paid for what I could never pay for and I ask for this and want this and know I don’t deserve this. Please forgive me and make me your child. I believe that you paid for my forgiveness and redemption by your sons death burial and resurrection from the dead. I trust Him as Lord and King and turn from my wicked ways and turn to you. Help me Lord Help me to be what YOU not what some religion wants but what YOU want me to be. In Jesus name Amen.
Please dear friend
Do this NOW
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
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