Why I believe Christians today owe YOU the World
a big apology
Please read this Apology from one small town Pastor
Dear Friends out there locally on Long Island NY and those listening anywhere else.
I ask that you would first take a few minutes to read this long post and really digest it and then share this message with as many people as you can IF you agree. See I think its time that the Churches across the world but especially in the USA stand up and come clean. What I mean is- there was a time many years ago when the local church ( meaning the local church building-not to be confused with the body of Christ as believers but not always separate ) Was the center of the community. A place where the towns people met. They met to hold meetings to resolve local issues and to come together. It was always a good place that was safe and a place that you could trust. A place to find answers; good people, honest helpful people. A place with open doors to run to for hope help and the first place of refuge in times of need. But something happened over the years because that is no longer the case- and I believe it is our own fault. Today the church is the last place people think of when thinking of a place to run to for answers safety and hope. Here is what I believe are some of the reasons which are all of our own making; Between the church scandals , sex abuse , corruption, abuse of power, money making lies to steal people’s money, phony healers and Hollywood style theatrics - it has instead become the last place you would think of going. But there is more - besides those issues just watch any typical Pastor / Clergy on Face book , Social media or news show and or protest march and we have become the face of ; The Haters, nasty, angry screaming and marching , protesting bigots. It has become hard to tell what’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. It has simply become us against them and only: Hurrah for our side. Jesus and His Salvation message is rarely heard .
Somehow the “Church” of Jesus Christ - has become the Church of Angry bitter mean spirited politically driven mobs who want you away from us as far as possible. Somehow the message of Jesus Christ- IE: The GOOD NEWS that He has come to give- has been forgotten and the focus has become the Cancer He came to save us from. See that’s my point. Too much focus on the Cancer not enough on the Cure. Example- When the doctor tells you -you have a sickness, well you don’t want to know more about the sickness you want to know about the cure. Well all I see lately from so many of my Christian Pastor friends and Christian brothers and sisters is this: Its spending so much time talking about all the Cancer --As is in- how We must stop the Cancer , boycott the Cancer , protest the Cancer, stay away from people with Cancer - Keep Cancer filled people away from our people (as if we have no cancer). But little about the GOOD NEWS- That Jesus Christ is the ONE who came to Heal us of it. I for one because of this want to apologize for this because I don’t think the world has gotten the RIGHT message. All they get is a lesson in Cancer and how bad it is but very little on how God sent His Son Jesus to Cure it. I believe very few ever hear the true Good news and very few Churches proclaim it anymore or have maybe forgotten what Jesus actually preached and did when He walked the earth. That Jesus didn’t come to become socially or politically active or to start a new Religion but actually to condemn religion as one part of the worlds problems. That He didn’t come to end wars or poverty and make a better world but simply to prepare us for the next so that we could all -no longer be separated from Him. So this is what I would like you to do. Please 1st- Share this post with as many people as you can. Get this dialog started- that Christians owe the world an apology ( Not that Jesus Christ does) But We do for not conveying His message properly -as its not BAD news but GOOD news. Then #2 Please find a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Then #3 Try to find a Good Bible Church by making sure they stay away from all social / political issues and only focus on the GOSPEL pure and simple. Here at the Centereach Bible Church www.cbctruth.com that is what we try to do. And for those out there -the Christians who seem to hate Christians and love to debate Christians and who think that we have gone too Liberal or too Conservative or too maybe soft on Gods Word - well no we have not! In fact we are bold defenders of it to our core and to the extreme -but only to the point of preaching IT and HIS agenda as IT IS- not ours as WE want it to be.
Which BTW- This is a good question.
What is the Agenda of Jesus?
John 12:47 says-And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
Dear friends and fellow citizens of planet earth -If that is the mission of Jesus Christ then that should be ours until He returns. Also if you would like more information on this odd thing I am stating, that seems to at odds with the typical modern church today then take a look at my personal you tube page ( not associated with the cbc ) called ( My Christian Apology Tour ) by Scott Kraniak.
I would say our biggest departure from the Gospel truth was when we decided that the Church was to become Cancer Fighters. That we would decide which Cancer is the worst and which Cancer must be exposed to the masses . But dear friends it doesn’t matter what Cancer one has it only matters that one has cancer as all cancer kills. Seems we decided that as long as my cancer was a private one and yours was an outward one then it was ok to march against your cancer because no one saw my cancer.
Let us not forget Romans 6:23 -The penalty for ALL sin is death ( not just the ones we don’t like or don’t have a problem with ) and let us not forget the good part of that scripture that we never march for down the streets of Washington ( The gift of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord )
Please lets get the right message back out there and stop putting OUR words in Gods mouth. The time is short, the day is drawing near- time is wasting. Let us get back to proclaiming Gods messages of Repentance, Salvation, and His soon Return.
The Church is not here to keep people out but to bring people in.
In to Gods Kingdom- meaning that YES we must go OUT there into the World and reach the lost ( Those people) with the Good news, not the bad.
There is enough bad news already out there.
Flavoring our words with GODS LOVE not mans Hate and no;
not watering down Gods Word but again - focusing on the CURE NOT the CANCER.
And what is That GOOD NEWS that we have all forgotten again ?
Yes there is a Great Cancer ( In many forms )
Jesus Saves- Jesus Gives Hope- Jesus Changes Life
Jesus brings us all back into a right relationship with God through His
payment for our sins because of His great love for us Sinners
NOT His great Hate for us Sinners
In closing - less the Pharisees try to attack me here. Please understand I am NOT apologizing for Jesus Christ, nor the Bible or its Words, Laws and Commands. I stand on every single one of them and bend away from none. What I am apologizing for is how we ( the Christians of the modern world ) How we have bent, distorted and corrupted the pure loving message of the good news that Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am chief.
Pastor Scott Kraniak
a big apology
Please read this Apology from one small town Pastor
Dear Friends out there locally on Long Island NY and those listening anywhere else.
I ask that you would first take a few minutes to read this long post and really digest it and then share this message with as many people as you can IF you agree. See I think its time that the Churches across the world but especially in the USA stand up and come clean. What I mean is- there was a time many years ago when the local church ( meaning the local church building-not to be confused with the body of Christ as believers but not always separate ) Was the center of the community. A place where the towns people met. They met to hold meetings to resolve local issues and to come together. It was always a good place that was safe and a place that you could trust. A place to find answers; good people, honest helpful people. A place with open doors to run to for hope help and the first place of refuge in times of need. But something happened over the years because that is no longer the case- and I believe it is our own fault. Today the church is the last place people think of when thinking of a place to run to for answers safety and hope. Here is what I believe are some of the reasons which are all of our own making; Between the church scandals , sex abuse , corruption, abuse of power, money making lies to steal people’s money, phony healers and Hollywood style theatrics - it has instead become the last place you would think of going. But there is more - besides those issues just watch any typical Pastor / Clergy on Face book , Social media or news show and or protest march and we have become the face of ; The Haters, nasty, angry screaming and marching , protesting bigots. It has become hard to tell what’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. It has simply become us against them and only: Hurrah for our side. Jesus and His Salvation message is rarely heard .
Somehow the “Church” of Jesus Christ - has become the Church of Angry bitter mean spirited politically driven mobs who want you away from us as far as possible. Somehow the message of Jesus Christ- IE: The GOOD NEWS that He has come to give- has been forgotten and the focus has become the Cancer He came to save us from. See that’s my point. Too much focus on the Cancer not enough on the Cure. Example- When the doctor tells you -you have a sickness, well you don’t want to know more about the sickness you want to know about the cure. Well all I see lately from so many of my Christian Pastor friends and Christian brothers and sisters is this: Its spending so much time talking about all the Cancer --As is in- how We must stop the Cancer , boycott the Cancer , protest the Cancer, stay away from people with Cancer - Keep Cancer filled people away from our people (as if we have no cancer). But little about the GOOD NEWS- That Jesus Christ is the ONE who came to Heal us of it. I for one because of this want to apologize for this because I don’t think the world has gotten the RIGHT message. All they get is a lesson in Cancer and how bad it is but very little on how God sent His Son Jesus to Cure it. I believe very few ever hear the true Good news and very few Churches proclaim it anymore or have maybe forgotten what Jesus actually preached and did when He walked the earth. That Jesus didn’t come to become socially or politically active or to start a new Religion but actually to condemn religion as one part of the worlds problems. That He didn’t come to end wars or poverty and make a better world but simply to prepare us for the next so that we could all -no longer be separated from Him. So this is what I would like you to do. Please 1st- Share this post with as many people as you can. Get this dialog started- that Christians owe the world an apology ( Not that Jesus Christ does) But We do for not conveying His message properly -as its not BAD news but GOOD news. Then #2 Please find a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Then #3 Try to find a Good Bible Church by making sure they stay away from all social / political issues and only focus on the GOSPEL pure and simple. Here at the Centereach Bible Church www.cbctruth.com that is what we try to do. And for those out there -the Christians who seem to hate Christians and love to debate Christians and who think that we have gone too Liberal or too Conservative or too maybe soft on Gods Word - well no we have not! In fact we are bold defenders of it to our core and to the extreme -but only to the point of preaching IT and HIS agenda as IT IS- not ours as WE want it to be.
Which BTW- This is a good question.
What is the Agenda of Jesus?
John 12:47 says-And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
Dear friends and fellow citizens of planet earth -If that is the mission of Jesus Christ then that should be ours until He returns. Also if you would like more information on this odd thing I am stating, that seems to at odds with the typical modern church today then take a look at my personal you tube page ( not associated with the cbc ) called ( My Christian Apology Tour ) by Scott Kraniak.
I would say our biggest departure from the Gospel truth was when we decided that the Church was to become Cancer Fighters. That we would decide which Cancer is the worst and which Cancer must be exposed to the masses . But dear friends it doesn’t matter what Cancer one has it only matters that one has cancer as all cancer kills. Seems we decided that as long as my cancer was a private one and yours was an outward one then it was ok to march against your cancer because no one saw my cancer.
Let us not forget Romans 6:23 -The penalty for ALL sin is death ( not just the ones we don’t like or don’t have a problem with ) and let us not forget the good part of that scripture that we never march for down the streets of Washington ( The gift of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord )
Please lets get the right message back out there and stop putting OUR words in Gods mouth. The time is short, the day is drawing near- time is wasting. Let us get back to proclaiming Gods messages of Repentance, Salvation, and His soon Return.
The Church is not here to keep people out but to bring people in.
In to Gods Kingdom- meaning that YES we must go OUT there into the World and reach the lost ( Those people) with the Good news, not the bad.
There is enough bad news already out there.
Flavoring our words with GODS LOVE not mans Hate and no;
not watering down Gods Word but again - focusing on the CURE NOT the CANCER.
And what is That GOOD NEWS that we have all forgotten again ?
Yes there is a Great Cancer ( In many forms )
Jesus Saves- Jesus Gives Hope- Jesus Changes Life
Jesus brings us all back into a right relationship with God through His
payment for our sins because of His great love for us Sinners
NOT His great Hate for us Sinners
In closing - less the Pharisees try to attack me here. Please understand I am NOT apologizing for Jesus Christ, nor the Bible or its Words, Laws and Commands. I stand on every single one of them and bend away from none. What I am apologizing for is how we ( the Christians of the modern world ) How we have bent, distorted and corrupted the pure loving message of the good news that Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am chief.
Pastor Scott Kraniak