Trick for Relief from Mild to Heavy to even extreme Anxiety
those of you who would rather not use medication or do use medication
but still need help when daily or occasional anxiety or panic attacks
happen...well I have a little trick that might help.
Now I
call it a trick because that's exactly what we need to do when our
brains are out of control and anxiety its taking over.. See our
brains though they be an amazing creation of God and though they can
do multiple things at one time; well they cant do everything at one
time. In some cases I have found that we can trick our brains by
overloading them with a mental project ( so to speak) . Meaning we
give our minds something so power robbing that the brain has no other
option but to divert all power to this OTHER project ( thought ).
Now stay with me now and let me explain how this works and how you
can learn to do it.. even more you can do it anywhere and no one
would even know you are doing it.
I call
it – MD ( Mind Diversion ) . Look at it this way. How many times
have you tried to access so many programs on your computer that the
computer gets locked up ? So what do you do but hit CAD.. the Control
Alternate and Delete buttons all at one time. This puts the computer
in a mode that allows you do shut down each program until the
computer can catch up- so to speak. Well our brains when in a state
of Anxiety go into this place.. We divert all of our though processes
to the Anxiety at hand. Not that we want to do that but that's what
our mind does on its own.. We simply cant think of anything else but
this worry anxiety and fear. We ruminate and in a short time we cant
thing of anything else but our current situation. Result is that we
simply cant function and we all know what that feels like.
So what
are we to do ? Well use the same thing that places us in that state
of anxiety and throw it right back at out brain. We actually trick it
so it doesn't even know what we are doing to it.
I’m sure you all are wanting to know what this process of M.D. is .
Well let me explain what we will do first before I explain how to do
it. See we need to take all of the brains power to think and divert
it to another thought .But being our brains are so strong and
controlling it has to be something so concentrated in thought that
our brain has no choice but start shutting down all systems that are
running the anxiety and direct it to this new difficult task we have
just given it. The task will take some major concentration but you
can do it because I know I can . With practice and time you will see
mild results to good results depending on how good you get at it.
OK so
here it is – your having a panic attack or anxiety overload and the
sweats , trembling , overwhelming thoughts take over. So what do we
do ? Well this is best done while laying in bed but you can so it
sitting down or even sitting at your desk.
1st- If
you can darken any bright lights, if its a nice day get out side but
really anywhere you can do this but the more quite the better.
– Close your eyes and begin taking a journey through your body. Yes
I know it sounds strange but you will see that God made our minds so
powerful that we don't even know how powerful they are. What I will
show you is something you didn't even know your mind could do..
– In this Body Journey start with your nose. Think about the very
tip of your nose. Focus on it with every bit of mind power you can
until you can focus in and actually feel that tip. Feel its coldness
and center. Then once you have felt this then move your mind down to
your neck then right shoulder , then upper arm right to your Elbow.
Now stop at the Elbow and focus on the very tip of that part. Feel it
with your mind. Feel the skin the bone, everything you can. Yes it
takes allot of control and focus but that's the point. OK now we are
going to move down the line to your hand and to your fingers. Start
with your thumb then go through each finger. ( NOTE) don't move any
part your focusing on just focus on that part that finger. The tips
of the fingers are easier. Don t move on to the next body part until
you have really focused on that first part. OK still a long way to
go- lets continue by heading back up the right arm to the shoulder
and then down your right side heading to your right hip bone. Now
stop there and focus on it think of it feel it touching your clothing
. When you have reached that conclusion then head on down your right
leg focusing on the top of your leg to your knee. Stop at the knee
and focus on it. Feel the dress or pants you have on touching your
knees . Feel the cool air or warn touch from your body heat. Now on a
side note you might wonder why we don't go to sexual organs. Well the
answer is simple they actually don't give calm because they ignite
and whole different set of emotions which will cancel out the whole
mission and actually lead back to anxiety. So THOSE parts are off
limits and the only thought we should be thinking about it these
targets that our mind is NOT used to thinking about which is why it
takes so much brain power. In fact that's why this works simply
because your brain realizes that it can think or do nothing else but
carry out this mission so it begins shutting down every single
thought you had in your mind.
OK so
back to our knee – from there down to your shin then right foot
then the all important part and goal. This would be our right foot
and eventually toes ending up on the hardest of all parts to focus on
which is that little pinky toe. When you get there you need to really
take 100% of brain power here and start at the bottom of that toe and
visualize its pointy V shaped bottom then to the toes tip and nail.
Now at
this point you have two choice. One to check how your anxiety is
feeling which BTW should all be but gone simply because the brain had
no way of thinking about it. If the Anxiety is gone then take a few
deep breaths and say to your self...I DID IT ! Now if your still
feeling anxiety then work back up from that pinky toe back to your
If your
in a situation where you cant do the entire process then a quick
version is simply focusing on your right ear. The top inside lobe and
so on.
I pray
Gods creation of who you are and how marvelous you are made will
bring you some peace and rest from anxiety.
Kraniak Th,B – M.M.C.C.
More on
exercises like these can be found in my 1sr book called.
Anxiety and the Child of God Part 1.. by Tate Publication
FOUND ON AMAZON along with my other books